Thursday, October 22, 2009

Canadian Catholics need a deeper faith

Words from Dr. Ventresca at King's College UWO

h/t Big Blue Wave

Dr. Robert A. Ventresca is a prof at King's College at UWO in London, Ontario. He is a grad of King's, and holds a Ph.D in History from U of T. His current research and teaching interests from the history faculty of King's include church-state relations in 19th and 20th century Europe, the Catholic Church in the modern era, the history of fascism and its legacy in postwar Italy, and the history of Catholic-Jewish relations in modern times.

He wrote a piece that appeared in the National Post Holy Post religion blog here on October 22, 2009 titled Canadian Catholics need a deeper faith.

In his article, he starts off by referencing Archbishop Lahey and his troubles, then quickly shifts to " the ongoing campaign of intimidation and persecution of Christians by the Islamist regime of Khartoum", as reported by the African Bishops. He says:
In this as in so many other ways, the contrast between the Church in Africa and the Church in Canada could not be starker. In Africa, bishops – the spiritual shepherds -- worry for the lives of their flock; for them, martyrdom is a real possibility, not some ancient account or artistic depiction.

Still, the Canadian Church has its own cross to bear – an internal, self-imposed crisis of faith, fidelity and identity.

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