Thursday, October 28, 2021


 Be Light to the World

October 27, 2021

I saw a vision of the lit candles around the altar at Mass, as signs of the Presence of Jesus. I also saw the Easter Vigil where congregants receive light from the Easter candle and share it with others until the darkness is dispelled.

Then, I saw us in the world as lights in the darkened world, processing on our individual paths, in white garments, to the foot of the cross. Our light attracted others who wished to join us. As they joined in our processions, we shared our light with them, and they became lights as well.

Then Jesus spoke these words into my heart:

My Children, you have been growing in faithfulness and in virtue as you have turned your hearts to Me, and away from the things of this world. 

As you have desired, My Holy Spirit has been poured upon you, and many of you have seen visions, received words of knowledge, prophecy and wisdom to share. Some of you are seeing angels, who are around you all to guide you on my pathway. 2.

I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you in even greater measure in these times. So many of My children have had their hearts hardened by the evil one, and by fears in these perilous times.

You I wish to use as heralds of My Return. I have given you talents and when I have called, you have come to Me and shown me how you have multiplied those talents, even if you yourself cannot see it. 3.

Now, I wish to give you those talents that others have buried in the dirt. I am rewarding your faithfulness.

These talents are for your use for My Kingdom. You will use them to draw others to Me, and will give these talents away to them as they desire them, and as you understand them to be in need of them.

This is how the parable of the talents becomes the story of your life in Me. (Matthew 25:14-30)

You may constantly ask me to give you more talents, and I will do it.  I will respond to your request, because you have shown that you are faithful to share them, and not horde them for yourselves.

The world has a distorted view of love, and the evil one has twisted hearts and minds to believe lies about love and about My Love for all my children.

But, you have learned what it says in scripture about greater love. (John 15:13) You are following Me and laying down your own lives for your brothers and sisters.

You have learned that when you lay down your own life, and take up My Life and My Cross, you are filled with Joy and Purpose.

The Saints in heaven rejoice as you grow more in Me every day.


  1. For some time the scrap,of a song lyric has been in my head, and it ties to the vision and message above. "and the light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness will never overcome it". I cannot recall the song title.
  2. These are not all the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit that have been received, just the ones the Lord spoke to me now.
  3. Remember the Lord telling the sheep and goats about the care of His Children, and they asked when they had done that. His response was that what they had done for the least, they did for Him. So too, you. This is the continuation of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:31-40.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Dispel the Darkness Within

October 20, 2021

My Dear Children, the darkness that you see all around you can destroy your body, but My Concern is for the darkness within you, for that darkness can destroy your soul forever.

Your Holy Mother and mine, and I call you to repentance often, because it is necessary.

Suppose that I contact you and tell you that Your Holy Mother and I are coming to stay with you for a time, and that we plan to be with you by a certain date. You would start immediately to prepare for our arrival. You would clean the exterior of your home, and would tidy and dust and clean the inside of your home, as well. You would get on hands and knees to find any dust or dirt with an eagle’s eye, to have your home spotless for Your Lord and Lady.

Then suppose I contact you and let you know we are delayed, and are uncertain of our arrival date. Would you sit back and relax, or would you continue to maintain the cleanliness of your home, for as long as we are delayed?

Greater than a visit from your Holy Mother and Me is the desire that the Father, Holy Spirit and I have to come to stay forever in your heart. 

Should you not be diligently keeping your heart clean for us? Should you not want always to be free from sin so that your heart remains hospitable to your God?

The darkness of the world desires to distract you from your call to be always prepared for Us to reign in your heart. 

Pray continually for guidance to help you rid yourself of any sins, big or small that separate you in any way from the fullness of Our Love for you.

From Mass readings for today:

From Romans 6

“but present yourselves to God as raised from the dead to life

and the parts of your bodies to God as weapons for righteousness. 

For sin is not to have any power over you,

since you are not under the law but under grace.”

In Jesus calling us continually to repentance, He is also empowering our angels to guide us, as we listen to them, away from occasions for sin.

He is preparing us faithful servants to serve Him in these times. It is a call to holiness, to be set apart for His purposes.

From Luke 12

“Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward

whom the master will put in charge of his servants

to distribute the food allowance at the proper time?

Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so.

Truly, I say to you, he will put him

in charge of all his property.”

We are some of the servants the Lord wants to put in charge of things He assigns to us.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 You Have Been Heeding The Call

October 13, 2021

Dear Children of my Immaculate Heart. You bring joy to my heart, as you listen to and respond to the call of my Son, your Saviour and Redeemer.

He has called you continually to repentance, to continue to cleanse your hearts of all impurities, so that your hearts may then be filled with love of God, love of yourself created in His Image, and love for your fellow man.

He has shown you the evil in the world, not to make you personally afraid, but to open your eyes and hearts to the difficulties these times bring to people who lack your faith.

As you have grown in compassion for those you have encountered, you have been being trained to have even more compassion for those who will be led to you in these troubling times.

Your Pastor has a father’s heart for his flock, and your Heavenly Father has been growing in him the vision he has had for caring for and nurturing his flock, and to draw the wounded and disenfranchised into the sheepfold.

You are all a part of the realization of his and the Father’s Vision for the refuge of your faith community. 

As a mother who loves all of her children, with a special love for those farthest away from My Son, I delight to see my children yearning to reach out to touch the hearts of those so in need of their Saviour.

Many in the world have been praying a prayer I gave to my daughter Vassula in May 1990:

Father all Merciful,

let those who hear and hear again

yet never understand,

hear Your Voice this time

and understand that it is You, the Holy of Holies;

open the eyes of those who see and see,

yet never perceive,

to see with their eyes this time

Your Holy Face and Your Glory,

place Your Finger on their heart

so that their heart may open

and understand Your Faithfulness,

I pray and ask you all these things, Righteous Father,

so that all the nations be converted and be healed

through the Wounds of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;


The Father has been answering this prayer, and you have all been a part of making the answer to this prayer a reality in your time.

When you see my Son in those whom you encounter, and treat them as who they are in Him, you do your part to make the prayer I gave to Vassula a reality.


 Hang on to Me - George Sebok 

May 31, 1997

My sons and daughters, pray for your parish priest and parish. I am beginning to open doors there that are for you to enter in. 

Don’t be afraid because I will use you as instruments of my Holy Spirit. You will lay your hands on my people there, and an explosion of the Holy Spirit will occur beginning with my priest. 

This is the place I am calling you as my base for ministry. From here will come the model from which the great miracles will occur. 

My plan will come quickly, now, so pray my sons and daughters, now is the time. From this place will flow forth my blessing, more freely than you can know. 

Your visions will spread from here; therefore gather as one into your parish. Do not abandon it now. All things that I have shown my faithful including your bishop will come to pass. 

Be sure not to forget this model parish as it is the place from which I will flow. The vision for St. Joseph’s is my working church that I have not abandoned. 

The spark of my Spirit will ignite my people into obedience here and the fire of my Spirit will spread and spread. Believe in my new and fresh revelations. 

All things will fall into place now and your needs will be taken care of, my beloved ones. Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. How exciting, my children. 

Now, with patience and prayer my angels are vigorously preparing for my plan and the explosion of my Spirit. Hang on, my faithful sons and daughters. Hang on to me.


Trust Me, My Loved Ones - George Sebok

March 2016

My Dear People, you need to allow my Spirit to move freely. Do not step in front of my plan that is in motion. Let go of your ego, your personal plans and allow my Spirit to move freely. 

Are you worried that my direction cannot be discerned? Do not fear but listen to my guidance and I will enlighten the way. I am the sovereign one. 

I am always doing the best with what you have chosen to do. Even though what you choose may be imperfect, perfection will come through my guidance. 

Why are you afraid? Cast that fear away in my name. Take captive your thoughts and ask for my Spirit’s gift of discernment and of wisdom and My knowledge. 

Your heart is right. Do not be deceived. I have shown you what is going on in other people’s lives and thoughts. Do not be afraid to challenge them to listen more deeply to my Spirit.  

The root of sin in your lives must be dealt with in order to hear me clearly. Try your best to remain in the state of grace. 

Ask for my help. I have you on the right path and I will show and enlighten you to you My ways. 

But Lord! What is your way? 

Have you not heard me? I am the Way, the truth and the life. My spirit in you will guide you through My many blessed gifts. Ask and it will be given you, knock and the door will be opened. 

Enter into this new realm of thinking. Do not be intimidated by the evil one nor be discouraged. In your weakness I am strong. I am there to help you. 

The evil one knows the weakness of each one and uses it to bring turmoil and confusion, doubt and hesitation. 

When you see weakness, challenge each other in love and don’t fear. The worst fear is fear itself so speak in love and the barriers will come down with good results. 

Trust me my loved ones. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Bible and Cognitive Dissonance

Trying To Make Sense of It All

Recently, at Father Tim Moyle's blog, "Where the Rubber Hits the Road", he and I have gotten into a discussion with our friend Wayne (Small Town Guy) about Genesis.  We have also discussed the Eucharist and lately got on to the sacrament of Confession.  Though the discussions are interesting, there seems to be no reconciling of Catholic teaching (darn Papists - whore of Babylon!!) with Protestant teaching (which version of the over 30,000 are we talking today?).  But, we soldier on.

As I read an interesting article over at the Archdiocese of Washington (Who says nothing good comes out of Washington?) blog site this morning by Monsignor Charles Pope, I was reminded of the Genesis discussion we had with Wayne a while back.

Wayne kind of warned us to tread lightly regarding Genesis, as he took the creation narrative literally.  I forgot to ask him which one he was taking literally since they seem to have some conflict with each other.  Father Tim presented a diagram of how the earth of the first story of creation looked to the people of the time - you may know the dome over the earth concept.  Wayne countered that THAT was not in the Bible, and so didn't count.  Pretty much ground the discussion to a halt with that one.

Cognitive dissonance occurs when you hold two conflicting thoughts or views in your mind, which are not readily reconcilable and therefor create a tension, possibly until your head explodes, or you pop a blood vessel.  The two stories of creation in Genesis are an example of a possible cognitive dissonance, if they are to be taken literally.

Monsignor Pope brings perspective to the creation story, and in fact to the bible. 

Before digging in to the creation story/stories, he sets the stage with some thoughts from Father Robert Barron, from Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, about the bible as a whole.  Here is what he had to say:
Fr. Robert Barron has well noted that the Bible is not a book, it is a library. Contained within its pages are works of history, poetry, prayer, prose, theology, liturgical instructions, cosmology, philosophy, parables, moral tales, genealogy and so forth. How exactly to read its pages and understand them is often a matter of understanding the genre.

The word Genre is from French, genre, meaning “kind” or “sort.” It also stems from Latin: genus and the Greek: genos, γένος). Genre is the term for any category of literature, as well as various other forms of art or culture e.g. music, based on a set of stylistic criteria.

Now some one may ask you, “Do you read the Bible literally?.” Fr. Barron points out, that’s like someone asking you, “Do you interpret the library literally?” Of course you would say, it depends on what section I’m in. If I’m in the science or history section I may read the book there literally. But if I am in the poetry or novel section, or in the children’s storybook section, I would not likely read the books there literally. I would understand that they are using stories and images to make a point, but not like science or history does.

So we know how to exercise some sophistication when it comes to the library. But many loose this sophistication when it comes to the Bible. Often we can fail to distinguish literary forms and thus force a book or passage to be what it is not.
The good Monsignor then goes on to examine the two accounts of creation in Genesis from this perspective:
The Book of Genesis, especially the early chapters suffer a lot of this sort of failure to appreciate the literary forms. Many want the creation stories to be science or exact history when in fact they are more poetic and theological, than scientific. They advance the real and true point that God alone created everything there is out of nothing and did so in an intentional and systematic way in which he is involved at every stage. This is the sacred and theological truth set forth by the Genesis accounts.

But this does not mean the text proposes to be in the form of a science textbook. Take, for example, the accounting of the “days” of creation. Although light is created on the first day, the Sun and moon are not created until the fourth day. So what does it mean to speak of a “day” when the very sun by which we measure a day is not even existence for the first three “days?” Further, the notion of light apart from the Sun, is somewhat an abstract concept.

If some one asks me if I read the account of creation literally I ask them, “Which one?” This usually leads to a puzzled look. But but the fact is that Genesis sets forth two accounts of creation that are very different.
1. In the first account (Gen 1:1-2:4) we see a period of seven days which begins with the creation of light, then the sky and the ocean, then vegetation, then the sun and the moon, then, fishes and birds, then the animals and finally Adam and Eve.

2. The second account of creation (Gen 2:4-25) does not mention days or a time frame. It begins with the creation of Adam, then the planting of a garden, then the animals, then the creation of Eve.
Hence, we have two very distinct versions of the creation. In no way can they be harmonized yet, neither are they in absolute conflict. They both describe the same event from a different angle and with a different focus on detail. Neither account alone contains all the details. But, together they contain all God wants us to know about the creation of the cosmos. If asked to describe my recent visit to the Holy Land I could start at the beginning and give a day by day account. Or I could choose to start at the end or culmination and work backward. Or, I could just give highlights. Or I could sort out the trip along themes such as Old Testament sites and New Testament sites etc. I might also select the data for a given audience and present different aspects to different audiences. And so, the options are quite many. Now all of what I say is true, but it is selective and thematic based on the audience and my purpose.

So here again, a little sophistication is required in dealing with the accounts of creation. If we have a literalistic and wooden notion of history we can err by trying to make Genesis what it is not. It does not conform to the modern genre of historical writing which tends to be strictly chronological and comprehensive. These Genesis accounts are quite willing to speak to us poetically and selectively of creation and even to reverse the timeline. This is because their purpose is not to give us a blow by blow account of exactly how God did everything. Exact times and dates are not the point. God as purposeful sole and sovereign creator is the point. God who is present and active at every stage is the point. The dignity of the Human person are also the point. The first account accomplishes this by making man the culmination of the creation story. The second account makes this point by beginning with man and having every formed around him and for him.

The catechism of the Catholic Church says of these accounts:

Among all the Scriptural texts about creation, the first three chapters of Genesis occupy a unique place. From a literary standpoint these texts may have had diverse sources. The inspired authors have placed them at the beginning of Scripture to express in their solemn language the truths of creation – its origin and its end in God, its order and goodness, the vocation of man, and finally the drama of sin and the hope of salvation. Read in the light of Christ, within the unity of Sacred Scripture and in the living Tradition of the Church, these texts remain the principal source for catechesis on the mysteries of the “beginning”: creation, fall, and promise of salvation. (CCC # 289)
You will need to read the article in full if you have not, because there is a very interesting twist towards the end about how Cain and Abel had kids if they were the only biblically reported children of Adam and Eve.

But, it all makes for an interesting take on our Protestant brothers and sisters.  Many, not all take the creation story literally, 7 days and done, even though there are conflicting versions in the bible. 

That brings me to the second instance of cognitive dissonance I have in mind.  If you take Genesis literally, why not what follows here?

However, when Jesus was about to die and had a meal with his 12 followers (and only them) the night before he died, our Protestant brothers and sisters believe that what He said was not to be taken literally.  Jesus said: "This IS my body."  The aramaic word for "is" was used very specifically in the writing, and cannot be interpreted as "just kidding" or "woulda, coulda, maybe".  It means very specifically "IS". Nothing else.  Nothing less.  This was Jesus, Our Saviour, preparing to meet a most awful death the next day.  He knew it was coming, and he specifically arranged to have a dinner with his closest followers. 

Put yourself in his shoes.  You are going to die tomorrow.  These followers of yours are going to have to carry on your work.  So, what do you say to them?  Tell them a few jokes to lighten the mood? - not.  How about you give them a little allegory to remember you by? - not.   Later Jesus wept tears of blood in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Do you think he was taking this lightly?  No, he gave them HIMSELF that night, as only He could do and did.

He joined them to His Mystical Body, with His own Body and Blood, in the form of bread and wine.  Yes, we are to always do this in memory of Him, to remember what He did for us the very next day; He died in our place for our sins.

How dare any of us blithely and ignorantly take the creation story literally and then denounce the story of the creation of the Eucharist as an allegory or JUST a memorial?

My head may be about to explode but not from cognitive dissonance, but from the displays of cognitive ignorance it takes to take Genesis literally and institution of the Eucharist figuratively.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 Trust in My Sacred Heart

October 6, 2021

My children, when will you rely on Me, trust in Me, depend only on Me?

Your Mother has warned you for years. Recently, she has told you that: “All is not as it seems.” We have told you that there are no man made solutions to these crises. We have warned you away from these poisons. 

So, all of this is why we are at the turning point you face this day.

Even though my people reject my warnings, intent on doing things their own way, still I love you all to distraction. If my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, repent, and turn their hearts towards Me, I will heal their lands, their homes, their families.

I have set aside a remnant of my people, who I have called to be holy, to be men and women after My own Heart. I am pouring my Holy Spirit upon them, even as I speak to you. 

They have repented of their sins with humble and contrite hearts. Though they are still weak, I have surrounded them with angels to protect them, and Me residing in them.

Most are unaware of what I have called them to. But, My Holy Spirit will gather them together in the places, and at the times when I call them. They will prophesy to my people, speaking only the words I give them. When confronted by evil, they will be protected, and will speak boldly the words the Spirit gives them for the particular time.

Do not be afraid My Children. Repent and turn from your wicked ways. The Church must go through its passion, as I did on the earth. Then you will witness the Triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, and peace will reign as My Father’s Will will be done on earth as in heaven.

Place your trust in My Sacred Heart, and lean not on your own understanding.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


Talking With Jesus

October 5, 2021

My Child:

When I call you My Child, you see the picture of the little child in front of Me, as I tell the apostles about coming to me as little children. Though you are, by all accounts, an elderly man, you are to Me a little Child. In your life, you have been very stubborn, but as you have opened yourself more and more to My Grace, you have become a little child to Me.

Because I knew everything about you, even when you were stubborn, I loved you to distraction. But, in your softness, and inquisitiveness, rather than your former judgements of everything and everyone, you are open to what I wish to share with you.

So, in this, you are now a little child.

In your heart, you have concerns for My Peter. My Peter is so like my first Peter.  In scripture, you have read how my first Peter knew I was the Messiah, and moments later told me he would not let me follow the path to My Death that I told them about. From prophet to satan in moments. 

After my Ascension, he was stubborn again, and Paul was called on to rebuke him to his face. So, my first Peter was not perfect. Yet, I loved him to distraction, and entrusted My Church to him.

It has been so down through the ages. My Peters have all been humans, subject to the effects of original sin, their family, cultural and geographic histories. All have been imperfect, even your well esteemed John Paul II. All have sinned, yet have not disrupted the deposit of faith.

My current Peter, you know as Francis, is like those who came before. He is more outspoken, and like the first Peter, often speaks out of emotion. He also relies on his counselors, many of whom are enemies of the Church.

I allow this so that you will work to have well formed consciences, to sort out the errors from the truth.

You want to know if I would allow a vaccine that employs aborted fetal cells in some way or another in their creation. I, the Creator of the universe, came to the earth as an unborn child in the womb of your holy Mother. Does it seem congruous to you that I would come to earth as a baby, and later support the use of aborted baby cells to create a vaccine that was alleged to bring freedom from a disease?

I am saddened to see so many of my sacerdotal sons and theological teachers, falling over themselves to conform to the ways of the world, twisting scripture, and Church teaching to make the illicit, somehow licit.

I weep over every aborted child. Abortion grieves your holy mother deeply, she who held me in her arms, and takes every murdered child to her heart.

Ponder for a moment. Do you think a company, the leaders of which were desirous of serving me, would not find an ethical way to produce a vaccine, if one were called for? 

My child, recall the scripture that etched itself on your heart on the 30th of September. I said to the 70, as I sent them out to heal, and bring the Gospel to the people: “I send you out as lambs amidst the wolves.” Would I say that if it were not true? If it was true then, is it any less true now?

In fact, it is more true now, than at any time in history. The wolves have become more brazen, as the lambs have catered to them, in efforts to keep them at bay. The wolves are savage. If they leave you alone for a time, it is only to let you get comfortable, to make you easier prey at a later time.

That later time is now. Many of your Church leaders think themselves so smart, as they win small concessions for their flocks. But, each round of negotiating, the stakes get higher, and the liberties get smaller.

Those who have learned to sell out to protect their positions, I have allowed to sell out even further, until there will be nothing left to hand over. Then, the wolves will clamp down and feast on the lambs.

Recall the sexual abuse crisis. The bishops sold out many innocent priests to the charlatans who trumped up claims to fleece them. The lives of individual priests did not matter to them, nor to the bishops. Many were sexually abused, but even more were sexually abused outside the Church. Yet, the wanton disregard of bishops, even for the rule of the laws of the land, let alone for my laws, left many sacerdotal sons deeply wounded and fearful. Meanwhile predators continue to abuse other children, their own, those they teach, or those they are supposed to serve.

Recently, as in the sexual abuse crisis, claims of genocide by priests and religious of native children, mostly long ago, go uncontested, and leave the public with yet another reason to hate My Church. Rather than even research the issues, Church leaders have cowed to the media, and political leaders of the day, who are far more adept at turning a seeming crisis to their own agenda.

Yet, your Church leaders refuse to learn. So, I am allowing the vaccine crisis to rise up, as I have allowed the Covid crisis, of which it is a part, to remain on center stage. Am I not the great healer? Yet, wolves claim to have produced vaccines that will allow life to return to normal, and my sheep have lined up for it.

My children, when will you rely on Me, trust in Me, depend only on Me?

Your Mother has warned you for years. Recently, she has told you that: “All is not as it seems.” We have told you that there are no man made solutions to these crises. We have warned you away from these poisons. 

So, all of this is why we are at the turning point you face this day.

Even though my people reject my warnings, intent on doing things their own way, still I love you all to distraction. If my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves, repent, and turn their hearts towards Me, I will heal their lands, their homes, their families.

I have set aside a remnant of my people, who I have called to be holy, to be men and women after My own Heart. I am pouring my Holy Spirit upon them, even as I speak to you. 

They have repented of their sins with humble and contrite hearts. Though they are still weak, I have surrounded them with angels to protect them, and Me residing in them.

Most are unaware of what I have called them to. But, My Holy Spirit will gather them together in the places, and at the times when I call them. They will prophesy to my people, speaking only the words I give them. When confronted by evil, they will be protected, and will speak boldly the words the Spirit gives them for the particular time.

Do not be afraid My Children. Repent and turn from your wicked ways. The Church must go through its passion, as I did on the earth. Then you will witness the Triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart, and peace will reign as My Father’s Will will be done on earth as in heaven.

Place your trust in My Sacred Heart, and lean not on your own understanding.


Saturday, October 2, 2021


Love Letter to A Beloved Soul

October 2, 2021

My Dearest Precious Child:

You have spent your life trying to find happiness, to find meaning, to find a purpose. And you have been frustrated in your efforts.

You have wandered, or run, depending on the season of your life, away from Me, the source of all life.

How I have longed for you to turn your heart to me, as you did in your littleness when you were baptized into My Body, into My Death, and Resurrection. At your Baptism you were made one with Me.

But in the hurts and disappointments of life, you wandered away. Rather than trust in Me, your Lord and Savior, and most Ardent Lover, you have looked for love outside Me.

You cannot fathom the depth of My Love for you. It is boundless. It is unlike any concept of love you can imagine. 

It is love to distraction. Yes, my Little One, I, the Lord, and King of the universe, who created and owns everything that exists, love you, my Treasure, to distraction.

There is no mountain I would not move, to win your heart, and join it once again to Mine, if you would only surrender to Me.

I have allowed you to make the choices in your life. Though it pains me greatly, I have allowed others to hurt you in their own weakness and sin. All this has been done beneath my watchful eye, and fits into the plan I have for you.

You ask how a Loving God could allow all the bad things that happened to you to occur. I tell you that the angels I have assigned to watch over you have prevented much worse from happening.

I allow all things to happen because the greatest gift I gave to you was free will. Without Me at the center of your life, your free will will always clash with that of your fellow man, and ultimately bring hurt and heartache to you, and to others with whom you interact.

That is not my desire for you. I desire you to come to Me, to trust Me to love you completely, and to love Me in return.

I desire to give you new eyes to see Me, to see the many gifts I give you and have given throughout your life.

I desire you to hear with new ears the sound of My Voice calling out to you and telling you how much I love you.

I desire to melt the hardness of your heart, which has been wounded by your sin, and that of others, and to take up residence there with you forever.

There is so much I long to whisper to you, to tell you of My Merciful Love for you, of how I saw you from the Cross, as I suffered and died for you.

You have been rejected so often in your life, and have felt the depth of hurt as the rejections piled up, one upon another. 

I, who have been rejected by those I came to save, am the only one who can ever understand the depths of your sorrow.

Come to Me, and let Me heal your pain. Turn your heart to Me, and I will fill you with a love sweeter than you can imagine, for I am Love, and wish to shower you with Love.

Love loves you!