Tuesday, December 29, 2020


The Shed Blood

December 29, 2020 6:30 am

It is true that one drop of the blood of My Son Jesus would have sufficed to redeem the world, had that been My Plan. The blood of his circumcision, the blood when he skinned his knee; all could have been sufficient.

But, the Plan for your salvation required that every last drop of His blood be shed, and required His full consent and participation.

The shedding of His blood on Calvary was the culmination of His sacrifice for you, and this had to be completed for you to grasp the significance of His offering to you His Body and Precious Blood in the first sacrifice of the Holy Mass the night before He died.

On the altar, at every celebration of the Holy Mass, Jesus sheds his blood, not again, but still. It is the very same blood from His Passion, shed willingly for you, that you may live eternally in heaven with Us.

All the more important it is that you receive Him worthily.  Repent of all sin that separates you from receiving the Graces of the Holy Eucharist.  Confess as you are able, seeking the flowing graces of the Confessional. 

Be washed clean of your sins, so that you may approach the altar of your salvation humbly, with proper respect for the great work that He has accomplished for you.

When you are unable to receive Him physically, which is the source of the greatest earthly joy possible, receive Him spiritually, praying from your heart, the beautiful prayer given to St. Alphonse de Ligouri.  

Imitate Jesus by surrendering yourself wholly to My Will.  The manner of His death was the perfect example of surrender to the Will of the Father, and is the exemplar for you to surrender your own Will to Me, as well.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


The Great Rescue

December 23, 2020 6:45 am

My children,  I am preparing to renew the earth.  But the process of renewal will involve seeds planted, dying in the ground, to bear new and wonderful fruit.  

Like my Son, Jesus you must go through an agony in the garden of your life, followed by your own scourging, crowning of thorns, carrying of your cross, death and resurrection. (1)

Your surrender of your Will to me allows me to use you in the small army of my trusted followers, who will be the resistance to the forces of evil that are leading the world towards their goals.  

Their plan is to destroy what I have created and steal the souls of many from Me.  Though they cannot be ultimately successful, they have wreaked much havoc, and are getting bolder in executing their plans of destruction.

What seemed like conspiracy theories not so long ago, is playing out daily in the lives of the inhabitants of the earth.

Stand firm with Me.  The battle will be long and hard, but I have prepared you and empowered you with My Holy Spirit to hear my voice, which will guide you in this war.

Celebrate the birth of Jesus this year with renewed commitment to live your life in imitation of His life on earth.  Be under the mantle and protection of your Holy Mother, Mary, and imitate her commitment to always do the Will of God in every moment of her life.  

Graces are being poured upon those who are surrendering their will to Me, and will be poured out even more abundantly to prepare you for what is coming.  

Those who take up My banner will never be abandoned in their cause.  I AM will lead you every step of the way.  

Do not be discouraged by the disasters and chaos you see daily. Remember that everything that I do, or allow to happen, is for your greater good.  

Pray much.  Love all those in your path.  Let love of God, and love of neighbor be your aim moment by moment.

Be gentle with those who are currently blinded by the things of the world.  I have been teaching you to see the futility of engaging in frivolity, and distractions from Me.  Let your life be a prayer.

You were once on the path to destruction that you see so many on, and I rescued you from that path.  I will rescue many, many more as these times are ripe for rescue.  

As my instruments of love and kindness to those who are still blinded, you will participate in the greatest rescue effort of all time.

Note 1 - After receiving this word, I saw a vision of us as seeds.  As the individual seeds surrendered to the Will of God, they were buried in the earth.  In the earth the seed’s shell disintegrates, which completes the surrender, and its heart, now exposed and freed from the shell(hard heartedness) starts to grow.  As it resurrects above the ground, it reaches for the sky, and when it is ready bears fruit.  The fruit is love and kindness shown to God’s creatures and creation.


Monday, December 14, 2020


Prepare a Dwelling Place for Jesus

December 14, 2020 6:00 am

My children, do not think that you are ever out of Our thoughts.  Our desire is for you to spend eternity with Us in heaven.  

My Son has prepared a place for You here with us, but you have the choice to come or not.

Jesus died on the cross at Calvary to atone for your sins, and the sins of all mankind.  We call on you to  join yourself with His atoning act, and surrender yourself to Our Will.  

Each day you have the opportunity to grow closer to Us in prayer, in study of the Word, in actions that serve your brothers and sisters on the earth.  

Turn from frivolous things, and give Us your heart totally.  Be like your Holy Mother Mary, who gave herself completely to Our Will.  

By special grace your Mother Mary was able to live in Our Will from the moment of her Immaculate Conception.  Though she was always Full of Grace, you have available to you great graces that will guide you to holiness.

To spend eternity with Us, you must become holy, as We are holy.  It is not an impossible task, just impossible to do on your own.  

You have the Holy Spirit available to you at all times.  He will imbue you with his fruits, which are the nourishment you require to do Our Will in your daily lives.

As you go about your day, be mindful that you are never alone.  We desire to be even closer to you than we are at present.  

By Our graces, you can prepare a fitting dwelling inside of you for Us.  You are called like Mary to be a tabernacle, where God is always present.  

Joseph and Mary were unable to find a dwelling place for her to give birth to the Savior of the World.  So, He was born in a stable.  

We call on you to be more than a stable, to be a suitable dwelling place for your Savior.  Prepare your hearts to receive the infant Jesus.  Worship Him.  Adore Him.  He is your God, and desires to reside in you.

If you had guests coming to stay with you, friends or family, you would tidy, clean, prepare special foods for their arrival.  You would be happy, excited for the opportunity to share hospitality with them.

You are being visited by the Savior of the World, who wishes to stay with you for eternity.  Prepare your heart and your home to receive Him.

Be in awe, for the Creator of the universe loves you so much that He desires to make your heart His home.

God’s Home. In your heart.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


Take My Will

December 9, 2020

My children, in the past I have called you to surrender your will to me.  As you have done so, I have poured graces into your hearts that have enabled you to turn away from sin, sinful tendencies and occasions for sin.  As you have requested Wisdom from me, I have given it to you and you have been able to absorb the meaning of My Holy Word, and you have learned to apply it in your lives.

But, this is a new time, and I desire to do a new thing in you, and in many of my children around the world, whom I am calling into this decisive battle for the souls of all my children.  I am asking you not to just surrender your will, but to exchange it for My Will.

I desire that you operate daily, moment by moment, in the Divine Will.  Your Holy Mother from the moment of her Immaculate Conception received My Divine Will, and lived and lives in it every moment of her life on earth and in heaven.  

The mystical union between Mary and Her Divine Son Jesus was so complete that the prophecy of Simeon, that a sword would pierce her soul also, was not a metaphor, but was a fact.  The Church calls her Co-Redemptrix with Jesus, and rightly so.  She shared in His joys, sorrows, and now shares in His Glory.

The Church is called the Body of Christ, and so it is.  But, the body has been asleep, distracted from the things of God by the evil one, who has tried all in his power to destroy it.  

I say to the body: “Arise!  Take up the full armor of God.  Prepare for battle.”

I say to you who hear my word: “Over the generations, the great Saints have exchanged their wills for My Will, and have lived lives that have awakened the Church.  They flowed in my people like the blood of Jesus, nourishing the cells of the body, bringing life to them.”

You, I am calling to do likewise in this Day of the Lord.  Do not feign humility and say you are unworthy of such a call.  I have called you, and as always call those who are the least, to shame the strong.  If you will operate in My Will, you will be more than conquerors.

It is no longer sufficient for you to only surrender your will to me.  To do the things I will call on you to do in this battle, you will need the power and certainty of My Will within you.

This is a radical call I have placed into your hearts.  But, I have sent your holy Mother Mary as a herald and guide, to be your example, and to raise you up in the Divine Will.   She is preparing My Son’s Bride, the Church, for His Return.

One of the most powerful weapons you have available to you for this fight is the Holy Rosary.  When you pray the Rosary, and meditate on the mysteries of it, you shower your Immaculate mother with roses, and set demons to flight.

Come to me, my little children.  Receive this precious gift I have for you. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Heed My Call

November 28, 2020

My children, you must heed my call and amend your lives.  In these troubled times, which fit into my plans for you and this world, I have called you to be set aside, and to conform to My Will for you.

Though My Word often provides you comfort, and solace; at its deepest, it is to bring you to a deeper conversion.  My word is like the sharpest of blades.  It is there to cut into and excise the deepest sins hidden in your heart, that keep you from total commitment to me.  

My word is strengthened by the intercessions of your holy Mother Mary, her earthly husband St. Joseph, the communion of Saints, triumphant and suffering, and your guardian Angel.  They all intercede at all times for you to surrender totally to my plans for you.

This world has lost the knowledge of the evil of sin, how it debilitates souls and influences others.  It is pernicious not only to the sinner, but to those who witness it.  Sin is never private.  When you sin, it changes you from the inside, making you susceptible to other sins, and changes your attitude to yourself and others.

Remember how I told you not to lead little children into sin.  Yet, here we are.  Little children, and you are all my little children, are committing atrocious sins against Me, with impunity, as they are led astray.  It is for this reason that I am allowing the fruit of the sins of the world to come forth now, at this time.  

I have lifted the restrainer from the earth, having removed much of my angelic protection, that has prevented so many disasters in the past.  As chaos runs rampant on the earth, things will get much worse.  Blame will be assigned by the powers of this world, particularly to my chosen ones, and vengeance will be sought for the ills of the world.

But, I call you to be like your mother Mary.  At the wedding at Cana, she presented simply a petition.  She did not presume to know the mind of God, but trusted in me to do what was best in the circumstance.  So, I produced the finest wine, from water.

I call you to trust me likewise.  Be humble like your heavenly mother.  And like her, conform your Will to mine, by prayer and sacrifice.  

When you are presented with a difficulty of some kind, you jump into action, and when you have mucked things up sufficiently, you remember to call on me.  You lean on your own understandings, when I, your Saviour, am always ready to assist you.  Can you possibly in your imagination, come anywhere close to imagining what I am capable of?

As this world darkens, your only recompense is in My Divine Will.  Lean on me!  Trust in me totally! Surrender to My Divine Will in all things.  Follow the example of your holy mother, and be humble in all things and at all times.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 The Desire of Every Heart

November 18, 2020

My children, the greatest desire of every heart, is to know Me, the one, true, and Triune God.

In this world you live in, the devil has wandered about seeking to destroy, by perverting this desire in the hearts of my beloved children.  Where they seek Me, he has replaced Me with things, ideas, desires for personal gratification, which will cost them their very souls for eternity.

But, Jesus told His Mother and step father in the temple in Jerusalem, when they found Him, “I must be in my Father’s house”.  And so He is still today in His father’s house.

I call each of you to be the Father’s House, that those who earnestly seek for the King of Kings will find me there in your heart, displayed in your love for them.

Conform your Will to mine, by asking me to replace your human will, with my Divine Will.  For this task I call you to, you must be totally committed to “not my will, but Thine be done.”

I call you to love all I send your way. Some will cause you frustration, anger, disgust, sadness.  Offer to me these emotions in reparation for your sins and theirs, and be Me for them.  

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

For several years I have been web master for a prophecy site for words, believed to be from the Lord, received by directees of Father Sam Johnston, a retired priest of the London Diocese.

The latest message, linked below, arrived, and opened with the following words: "Do not be afraid, I am with you to sustain you, all that is transpiring has been allowed by Me or it would not have happened.”

When my wife and I were out of town last week, the first line of the song linked below was in her head.  I didn’t recognize it, and she found it when we got back home.  For many years, the musical leader of Hillsong was Darlene Zschech, and she did this song with them.  So, here is a beautiful rendition of a beautiful song for these times.

I Desire Jesus

After I Desire Jesus was tightly stuck in my head, I remembered a very old song, from 1939, by George Beverley Shea, which became a beautiful Evangelical standard.  Here is a beautiful version by Selah, a Christian contemporary group.

I’d Rather Have Jesus

Here is another more meditative country version of I’d Rather Have Jesus, sung by Jason Crabb.

God Bless You all, and your loved ones, near and far.