Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Will You Enter Into My Passion?

April 14, 2022

My precious children, I invite you to enter into My Passion, My Death and Resurrection in a special way this year. I call you to enter into My Heart, as I enter yours in Eucharist. 

I call you to offer all your sufferings big or small in Union with My Sufferings, and the torment of our Mother’s heart, and that of My faithful Disciples who watched with me as I breathed my last.

I invite you into the depths of My Being so you can experience my pains, but far more how I endured all, and embraced all to bring you My Salvation. I embraced all the tortures inflicted on my body, and my mind, for you, My Beloved Children.

Come and see in a new deeper way what I have done for you individually and corporately.  

On Easter I desire that you celebrate My Resurrection more fully than ever, and that you shout with even greater joy: “Hallelujah, He is risen, IN DEED!”

Then, with even greater joy in your hearts, regardless of the circumstances of your world, go boldly into the world, bringing and preaching My Salvation to all you encounter.

Will you stay with Me, during My Passion and Death, comforting me for all those who reject My Love Offering, so you may receive in the depths of your being My Easter Joy?

Monday, April 11, 2022


Tell Them That I Love Them

March 12, 2022 

A soul, very dear to Our Heavenly Father, had the following conversation with Him. In our recent communication, I had commented that: “I have noticed that the Father is more openly talking with children who will listen to Him. He speaks differently than Jesus.”

This soul then commented that: “Yes, there is a definite distinction between the voice of God the Father, and Jesus.  The Father has a firmer voice and more commanding, yet kind and full of love. Jesus is gentler, and touches one’s heart deeply.” 

Place yourself in the discussion with the Father. Let Him speak these words to your heart.

My Dearest Father, You know how I dislike putting my thoughts down in writing. It makes them permanent. I can’t ignore them or try to hide them when I put pen to paper.

“You try to hide your relationship with Me! Why? The thoughts and answer to this question flows through you at this moment . You will always have doubts... until you surrender completely to Me, My Divine Will.”

I’ve been trying to do that for how many years now?...

“No, you are making progress little by little. You have grown, just look back to the past ten years even.” I have always and forever been with you my little one, since before you were born, I chose you, you are Mine and I will never let you go!”

I never want to be away from You my God... I love You!

“I have placed that love in your heart, even when you have tried, you could never not love, because I Am Love. I have given you a special Grace imbued within you to love, because the world has forgotten how to love.”

But, my love has always been rejected, abused, used, cast to the side by people I had given my life to; vowed to love as long as I lived.

“Don’t cry, I have always loved and cannot, not love you. You, my little one, have experienced what My Son experienced during His life on earth. Your experience has helped many people heal. You have shown them love. You have helped them heal. Your experiences have and will be used to show people the truth, what My Son Jesus has suffered for love of humanity. Our love is so immense: We created this universe to share this love with humanity. Humanity was created to share in Our Love: Divine Love, Immeasurable, Uncontainable, Ever expanding, Enveloping, Changing, Burning Love!”

Father, I don’t know what You want from me. I am a nothing, the broken vessel in my dreams. 

“You know the answer, my little one.”

I know, because I need to be a nothing so that You can shine through me. It is You that gives life. We get in the way, as I have done throughout my life. I have taken so many wrong turns in my life. I feel I have failed You.

“No, you are here now, today, in the place I want you to be. Surrendered. It has been a long trial for you, a long journey and a desert, beaten and broken so I could recreate you for My purpose!”

Now that I am Yours, what do you want from me, for I have nothing left to give you but my love, small and insignificant?

“Exactly what I want from you. There is nothing you can give me except your love freely given, for I have created the Heavens. But, you my little one have the most important thing in all of Eternity.

Free will I gave humanity when I created you, the world and the universe! How can you know love if, in any way, it is not given freely! That IS the essence of love! You, among my children know this well because of your life’s experiences. You have gone through these experiences, to know beyond a shadow of a doubt the meaning of love, all kinds of love. The many expressions of love; agape love, filial love, friendships, parental love and names of love that can not truly express the meaning of what love truly is.”

But why now Father, why not years ago, when I was younger, healthier?

“They would not have listened. Their hearts were closed, their hearts are cold, hypnotized into false beliefs. They have turned away from Me. They are lost, snatched up by Lucifer’s demons of greed, lust, hate, envy, power, control. This world has fallen. There is more sin in this world now than at any time in the past. Not Noah, not Sodom and Gomorrah and not even their father Adam. Sin has multiplied exponentially since the beginning of time”.

“The time forewarned has come for Me to gather My children to come home to Me. This has been a great trial for the world. I have those who love Me. I have gathered them and they are waiting for my remnant to come home. It is time. Your job now is to help gather those still here and those who freely choose, to be my children to ask forgiveness for their transgressions and come home. I am giving My children one last chance: The Warning! One last chance to repent and come back to me and I will not turn anyone away who returns to Me. But it must be their free will with a contrite heart, their true desire to come back to me. 

Tell them of My love for them! Show them My love for them. Heal them, free them from the grasp of the demons.”

“Tell them that I LOVE THEM!” 


 What You Must Do To Enter My Kingdom

March 21, 2022

This prophetic message came from a soul devoted to the Will of God in all things. It is a good message to contemplate in this Holy Week penitential season.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with all thy strength and with all thy mind: and thy neighbour as thyself” Luke 10:27 Douay-Rheims

To enter into My Kingdom, you must forgive those who have hurt you. There can be no hate, anger, bitterness or dissension in your heart towards anyone, not even your enemies. Do not fall into the trap Satan is setting up for you. This is not about them, this is about you. Do not judge lest you be judged. Forgive, even those who have deeply hurt you; wounded you to the core of your being. You must forgive everyone. Only love can be in your heart. This is not easy. Become love. To have only love in your heart gives you the ability to be in My Heart and in My Divine Will. You must be love to enter into love and my Heart IS Love, my Kingdom IS love.

Children, repent while you still can: ask for forgiveness and forgive others, for I LOVE YOU onto death; My death I suffered for you and for all humanity. Let those who have ears to hear listen to Me now, for many people will hear but will not understand the depth, urgency and importance of My words.

Love, Love, Love!

Your Jesus

Sunday, April 10, 2022


 Vision of Mary 

March 25, 2022 - Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord/Motherhood of Mary

Peter Schroeder, a long time prayer partner, received the following vision. It is both profound and prophetic. I believe that’s its timing is post Illumination, post end of this age. It appears consistent with the New Eden on earth, that Luisa Piccarreta wrote about.

The Vision

There are many images of Mary, the Mother of God, but none can compare

in size and beauty to what I saw while in prayer: She filled the entire sky with her 

mantle spread out. She looked awesome and majestic, loving and powerful,

but not intimidating. On the contrary, She was gentle and inviting - inviting 

all of us to come under Her mantle for protection. We all felt the Spirit of God in Her, and saw a holy aura about Her.

As we came into Her presence, we experienced the graces flowing from Her

Immaculate Heart. We were all purified and sanctified. The people coming under Her mantle were from all races, nations, cultures and religions, but there was no

disunity and no fighting. We experienced great peace radiating from Her presence.

She was very pleased to see so many people coming in trust, joy and gratitude

to Her Motherly protection. It was a holy atmosphere, and we were all growing 

in love for each other.

The Vatican also was under Her protection, right at the feet of Our Lady.

Peter Schroeder

March 25, 2022

Peter shared this vision with me on April 8, 2022. 

Valeria – Peace Will Be Eternal

This prophecy from Mary to Valeria Copponi on April 6, 2022, was posted on Countdown to the Kingdom on April 7, 2022, in total.

This excerpt urges us to pray for unbelievers. This call upon us is to help bring unbelievers to faith in Jesus, in part, through our prayers on their behalf.

“Pray for unbelievers that they might feel my presence and that of paradise. Do not be afraid: war will come to an end, like all earthly things, but peace will be eternal in duration. With Jesus, neither pain nor wickedness will exist, but only goodness and peace. I say to you: believe, pray, fast – you will not regret it. I am always with you; I hold you by the hand and sustain you in every need. My dearly beloved little children, I will make you feel my nearness in this time as never before. Be calm, turn to your Mother at all times and in every need.”

First Reading for Mass on Saturday, April 9, 2022

The vision also appears to be a fulfillment of the First Reading for Mass on Saturday, April 9, 2022.

Reading I Ez 37:21-28

Thus says the Lord GOD:
I will take the children of Israel from among the nations
to which they have come,
and gather them from all sides to bring them back to their land.
I will make them one nation upon the land,
in the mountains of Israel,
and there shall be one prince for them all.
Never again shall they be two nations,
and never again shall they be divided into two kingdoms.

No longer shall they defile themselves with their idols,
their abominations, and all their transgressions.
I will deliver them from all their sins of apostasy,
and cleanse them so that they may be my people
and I may be their God.
My servant David shall be prince over them,
and there shall be one shepherd for them all;
they shall live by my statutes and carefully observe my decrees.
They shall live on the land that I gave to my servant Jacob,
the land where their fathers lived;
they shall live on it forever,
they, and their children, and their children’s children,
with my servant David their prince forever.
I will make with them a covenant of peace;
it shall be an everlasting covenant with them,
and I will multiply them, and put my sanctuary among them forever.
My dwelling shall be with them;
I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Thus the nations shall know that it is I, the LORD,
who make Israel holy,
when my sanctuary shall be set up among them forever.