Friday, April 9, 2010

40 Days For Life

Pro-Life Ground Swell

Matthew Warner at Blogma has this posting about 40 Days for Life.  I have participated in 40 Days while in Tucson AZ, and have also helped out on weekends during the year there, when I have been able.   It bears fruit, and is a wonderful move of God's Holy Spirit, for the least of our brothers and sisters, who cannot speak for themselves.
There is a ground swell in the pro-life movement that is coming together like never before. We gotta keep it up!

Check out these stats for the past 3 years of 40 Days for Life:
* More than 300,000 participants
* Over 10,000 churches involved
* 845 individual campaigns
* 307 cities participating
* All 50 US states
* 5 Canadian provinces
* 3 Australian states
* 4 other countries
* 700+ news stories
* 2,702 lives saved from abortion — that we know of
* 28 abortion workers quit their jobs
* 5 abortion facilities shut down for good

Please get involved in a 40 Days for Life effort near you. Anyone can participate – it’s not just for Catholics. It’s been beautiful to see so many different pro-life people from every belief system come together to stand up for what is true. Don’t miss out on this historic movement.

Here’s one of the recent videos from 40 Days for Life by Shawn Carney:

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