Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Unless You Eat My Flesh

June 30, 2021

My brothers and sisters, unless you eat My Flesh, and drink My Blood, you shall not have life within you. These are strong words, and because of them, many left Me.

The very first Eucharistic Procession was My Mother’s journey from Nazareth to Judea, to visit Elizabeth. No monstrance on earth has ever shone so bright.

She shone not just because of her purity, but above all, because of My Presence. The baby John in the womb of Elizabeth lept at My Presence, and was freed of original sin in that moment.

Each time you receive me in Eucharist, you commence a Eucharistic Procession of your own. Your guardian Angel bows, not at you, but at Me in you.

The devil hates Me in you, and immediately works to tempt you to sin, to compromise you and your trust and belief in My Presence in you.

If you could understand the importance of Me coming to you in Eucharist, you would start to grasp what is going on in the world today.

The devil’s greatest victory, currently, is preventing My brothers and sisters from receiving Me in Eucharist.  At this, My Mother weeps.  

The goal of the evil one in these times, is to destroy My Church, because he knows the power of the Eucharist.

I urge you to find ways to bring Me to those who are unable to attend Mass and receive Me.

Fear not! I AM with you.

While you fret over vaccines and viruses, the devil destroys 100,000 unborn lives daily, in abortions. Your mother Mary snatches every aborted soul from the evil one’s grasp at the instant of death.

Yet, the devil declares victory as he has caused a mother to commit a mortal sin. Pray for mothers to protect their children, and to be healed of the sin of abortion.

Politicians rail about a mother’s right to murder her unborn child, and will face Me on their death.  Pray for their souls, and for their conversion.

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