Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Be Like Your Mother

August 4, 2021

My brothers and sisters, I call you to be like your Holy Mother in these times, and in all times. Her life was a life of quiet service, and in her service and love, many were able to see Me, and the Father who sent me.

Immediately after receiving the greatest news of all time, that she would bear the Son of God, she made haste to go to her elderly cousin Elizabeth to help her in her time of need.

Throughout her life in Nazareth, she lived a quiet life of prayer and service.  Imitate her where you are.

Your mother was sinless, and I call you to turn from all sins, to make good confessions, and if possible, a general confession. Cleansing your life from sin makes it far easier to hear My Voice as I guide you to those in need of love at a particular moment.

Reach out to those around you with kindness. Let the love you show to people be the Gospel that is in your heart.  Listen for My Spirit to guide your tongue so that you speak as I would speak to them.  

Do not presume to know on your own what to say, but listen for the prompting of My Holy Spirit. You will know when it is time to speak of me, and the Spirit will give you the words to speak.

So few today are ready to receive Living Water and the Bread of Life, but all are in need of a glass of water and a piece of bread. And all are in need of a kind word and a smile.

Sew seeds of My Love in those you encounter. Let me send others to them as well to guide them on the path of salvation, and you will all receive the reward that comes from them entering into My Kingdom.

The time is short, but do not be anxious. Remain calm and trust me more deeply each day to guide you along the way.   

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