Saturday, May 22, 2021


 Love Is the Only Antidote

May 22, 2021

My dear Children.  Love loves you.  In My Love for you, I have had a plan, that required My Dearly Beloved Son to sacrifice Himself for your redemption. He did this out of His great Love for Me and for you.

That boundless love between My Son and Me is embodied in the Holy Spirit, that Jesus sent to you, after He returned to Heaven.

In the prayer Jesus gave you are the words: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” It is the Holy Spirit who was sent to bring this into reality.

If you will surrender your will to Me, and receive the Holy Spirit, He will guide you to take up My Will. This is possible because every one of my children on earth has been created in My Image.

As you follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, you will learn to see each person you encounter as I see them, as Jesus.

As you see Jesus in the other, you will no longer judge them as less than, or more than yourself, but as a part of yourself, as in one body, that of Christ.

You will see the one who frustrates you, or whose actions draw out anger in you, not as an enemy, or an obstacle, but as an opportunity to grow more in love.

It is only by loving everyone as I do, that the peace and joy of heaven can be manifested and reign on the earth.  It is only by loving everyone that the deep wounds of sin and division will be healed.

I call you to be a beacon of My love, to light the pathway that brings My Children to meet at the foot of the Cross of their Saviour.

As much as you might desire to do as I have requested, it is impossible without the power and gifts of My Holy Spirit.

Pray diligently, and invite Him into your heart every day.  Receive Him, and His Power. 

Pray “Come Holy Spirit” from the depths of your heart.

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