Monday, May 17, 2021


 Be Jesus for Them

May 17, 2021

Children of My Heart, you have been created in the very image of God.

Though sin has distorted how you have viewed this image in each other, I call you to see each other as I see you.

As this world becomes darker with sin, like no time on earth since the flood, you have My Holy Spirit, like in no other time in history, as your guide and counselor.

Allow Him to further enflame you every day, praying Come Holy Spirit regularly.  His Flames will burn out of you all that is not of Me, and with your consent will conform you to Jesus.

Jesus went about the countryside preaching repentance, performing miracles and pointing the people of the day to the Kingdom of Heaven.  I call you to do likewise.

Like the apostles, you cannot do it under your own power, but require the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do what I call you to do.

Look back in time and see how I have been bringing you to docility and surrender. I have been preparing YOU for NOW.  I have chosen you for this time.

My commandment is for you to love one another as I have loved you.  The beggar, the sick, the imprisoned are among those others, and are those in most need of love. 

When you see Me in the other, your heart will soften and My Spirit will guide you to do what is necessary at the time.

Be constantly in prayer and fast as you are able, to hear Me guide you on the paths I have set for you.

Come Holy Spirit.

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