Wednesday, February 9, 2022


 Like Little Children

February 9, 2022

Matthew 18:3b "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

In prayer I saw a beautiful vision. I saw little children looking out a window from a dark room, and seeing a verdant landscape. I understood that they were in Purgatory. They were eagerly awaiting Our Blessed Mother, who was coming to escort them to Jesus.

Mother entered the place where they were, and took them by the hands, and hugged them and loved on them. She was like a good mother, what else could she be, and was preparing them for a beautiful adventure.

She led them out on a pathway that went through beautiful forests and fields, and they ran along, going ahead a few feet, and looking back to be sure they had not gotten away from Mama. If they wandered off a few feet, they would run back into her arms, and she would tousle their hair, and smile at them. 

They were excited to get to their destination, but were intent on listening to Mama tell them stories about their destination. As they were walking along, there were wheat fields by the sides of the pathway, and they saw Jesus walking towards them. 

They ran to Jesus, who embraced them, greeting them warmly, and welcomed them to heaven.

These had been men and women who had entered purgatory in whatever age and state they were in at the time of their deaths. In the process of their purgation, they became little children, fulfilling the words of Jesus in Matthew 18:3.

This morning I was shown a day in my life at about 10 years of age, where I had been at a friend’s house in the morning. Just before lunch, we had an argument, as kids do, over something trivial, and I left in a huff to go home for lunch.

My mother saw I was upset, and asked me why. I told her whatever this gigantic, to a 10 year old, problem was, and that I never wanted to see my friend again. She gave me a bowl of soup, and a sandwich, listened to my complaints and loved me as a mother does. She also spoke to me some words of encouragement, obviously.

After lunch, she asked me what I was going to do. I told her I was going back to my friend’s house to play. Somehow she had helped me see that my love for my friend was greater than any spat we had had. 

My beloved Children, I call you children, because you must be as children to come to me.

In your Baptism, you were anointed priest, prophet and king, and I have called you to continue to grow into this anointing.

As priest, I call you to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with my ordained priest to lead you. As prophet, I have anointed you to receive My Word, in scripture, tradition, magisterial teaching, and also in the words I put into your hearts, or bring to your hearts from another. As king, you are anointed to enter into the eternal kingdom of heaven as co-heirs.

Do not look for words that tickle your ears, but take to heart the difficult words I give to my prophets.

Your generation has been selected by the Father, in His Wisdom, to see the New Eden. 

I have also anointed you to see this New Eden unfold, and to be witnesses to the unfolding, by receiving the graces to live as though it were here already.

I call you to love one another, and all you meet as little children, without guile or agenda.

When you listen to each other with love in your hearts, which I have put there for such purposes, you see them as My Children also. This is what the New Eden will be like.

I call you to look at all things with fresh eyes, like little children. Allow me to teach you how to do this.

Love one another as I love you!

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