Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Feast of the Archangels 

September 29, 2021

In my prayer, I was reading the Mass readings for today, and had just read the start of the daily Psalm (138):

I will give thanks to you, O LORD, with all my heart,

    for you have heard the words of my mouth;

    in the presence of the angels I will sing your praise;

I will worship at your holy temple

    and give thanks to your name.

As I read this verse, I began to worship God, and saw myself surrounded by angels praising God in tongues with me.

I immediately was brought back to last evening’s Mass, and saw Communion. As the people were coming to Communion, they were accompanied by angels, not just their guardian. The Church was filled with angels. As Communicants received and consumed the Host, they glowed with the Presence of Jesus, now in them. The angels assigned to each communicant, bowed to the Presence in them, and then glowing in the glory of Jesus, escorted them to their seats, as (though) they were escorting Jesus. The reverence was palpable. (1)

I, in fact last night, was standing 3 rows behind Rheda Dias, and her sons Michael and Brian. I have gotten to know them in recent years. Michael, in his early 40s is nearly blind, nearly deaf, and severely mentally challenged. The opportunity to get to know him has been a great blessing in my life. To be really present to him, is to be next to holiness. I had watched as Father Jude brought Jesus to them at their pew at the end of Communion, and sensed the holiness of the moment.

As I saw it in the vision I just had of Mass, I saw Michael, after communicating, transported to the throne room of heaven into the presence of Our Heavenly Father, and presented to Him as Jesus within him. Michael is so simply holy, and so beautiful to God, that God the Father sees Jesus when He looks upon Michael.

As Prince of the heavenly host, I Michael come to you this morning. 

You have seen how your angels glow when they are in the living Presence of Jesus in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Though they are here on earth, they are as in heaven, in the Presence of the Son of God, who they ultimately and joyfully serve.

Call upon your guardian angels, who are with you at all times. They are with you to protect you from evil, and to lead you on the path to your eternal home. Escorting you to heaven will be the culmination of all their efforts during your life, since the moment of your conception.

When you receive Jesus in Eucharist with a heart that is humble and hungering to receive Your Saviour, they glow with great joy, and see you, in His Image.

As evil comes over the earth, in these terrible times, rely on them to guide you to safety. They know the places of safety that God has planned for each of you. (2)

They also have knowledge of others you are to witness to and guide to faith in Jesus, that you will meet in your journey. Listen to them, and follow where they lead you. 

It is the Father’s Will that all be saved. (3) Do not refuse to bring the Light of Christ to as many as God calls you to, to give them the opportunity to choose eternal life with God.

Fear not, but in all things boldly proclaim Christ to those you are guided to. When you witness to others, do so in humility, listening for the words the Holy Spirit gives you to share. 

Your angels will help you to listen for the words, and the angels of the persons to whom you speak will ensure that the words that are heard, are the ones that will do the most eternal good for the listener. (4)

Be aware that your angels are with you at all times, doing the will of God for your eternal salvation.

As evil abounds in these times, remember that Grace abounds even more!

  1. This vision was about angelic presence, and in celebration of the Feast of the Archangels. I was aware that Our Holy Mother was present, as well. She is always present with Jesus.
  2. God has refuges planned for his children during the darkest days ahead. But, this also referred to safety day by day, here and now.
  3. The Father desires that all be saved, and works towards that desired outcome. However, He will not overrule the free will of his children.
  4. I was reminded of 2 particular instances when I prayed with a person, and said what I believed I was called to say in prayer. Some time later, the individuals came to me and thanked me for something I said at the time. In neither case, did I have any knowledge of saying what they thought I had. In trying to communicate what we believe God has given us to say, we may get some of it wrong. But, our angels and the angels of the person we are communicating with know what the Lord intended, and close the gaps.

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