Wednesday, April 14, 2021


You Are Running Out of Time

April 14, 2021 4:57 am

My Children. Can you not see what is going on around you?  Can you not hear My Voice calling out to you? 

Those who are in the clutches of the evil one have seized upon an opportunity to destabilize your world economically, and to manipulate you to accept poison as though it was medicine.

In the meantime, My earth, which has been sickened by your exploitation of it, is preparing to shake and to vomit out its core upon you. 

While you look to a return to normal from this manufactured pandemic crisis, know My children, that there is no normal. The wanton murder of unborn children is not normal, unnatural sexual relations are not normal, abuse of those who are sick, poor, or not of your tribe is not normal.

Destruction is upon you.  Though the evil one is the author of normal, as you know it, and the author of this destruction, I AM will allow it so that as many of My children as who repent and turn to Me may be saved.

I have called you to repentance, and to turn your hearts to Your God.  I sent My Son, born of a Virgin, and you killed Him, the perfect One, the Holy One.  I have sent My Holy Spirit upon you, and you have ignored Him, the source of Wisdom, Truth, and Knowledge.  

I have given you the Bread of Life, and you have denied it as the Real Presence.  I have performed signs and wonders to awaken you.  Yet, you still sleep.

Those I have anointed to perform miracles in my name, miracles of healings, infilling of My Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and prayer are still among you, and more are being anointed daily to come to you as My ministers.  Will you listen, my hard hearted, stiff necked people?

Your Mother has been upon the earth warning all who would hear.  Yet, so few actually listen to her motherly calls, and heed her words.

I AM the God of Mercy, but I AM also the God of Justice.  Since you would not respond to My Mercy, you must now taste My Justice.  

Turn away from your sinful ways.  Repent of the evil that surrounds you.  Do not scoff at those who come in my name bringing words of Wisdom to you to help you come to Me.

Soon, it will be too late.


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