Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Turn Away From ALL sin

March 24, 2021 9:19 am

My children, turn away from everything that does not come from Me. Though you seek to do My Will, you still have within you blind spots that prevent you from seeing My Will in all things.

Sin takes root, and persists where it is allowed to have freedom.  If you would follow Me, seek to follow Me in all things.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten you about sins remaining in your heart.  Then, when they have been revealed to you, repent of them, confess them, and be freed from them.

Sins which have persisted in your life are pernicious (deadly, destructive), and like St. Paul will have to be recognized and dealt with appropriately.  I allow you to carry certain imperfections to humble you, and lead you to seek greater holiness.

Repent of persistent sins, and mortify your senses to expiate (make amends, atone) for them.  

In these times I desire you to become holy, as I am Holy.  Your holiness will shine as a beacon to draw your brothers and sisters to Me, the source of all holiness.

The trials the world is facing in the end of this age can only be met successfully with holiness.

Seek holiness at all times and in all things.

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