Wednesday, March 17, 2021


 Hear Me Call You

March 17, 2021 6:30 am

My beloved children of my Immaculate Heart, I have been sent to the world, as a herald to prepare my Son’s bride for His return in glory. 

Though I have called and called for so long, most of my children are unaware of my calls, many have ignored my calls, many are hostile to them, and only a few have embraced them. 

I call you all to imitate your Precious Savior and Brother, and imitate my devotion to Him.  Come under my mantle of protection to keep you safe and hidden from the evil that is upon the earth, and that which is coming upon the earth.

I also call you to place my mantle upon your loved ones, near and far, physically and spiritually, as well as those in your hearts and prayers.  

The evil one is in his final hours and is fighting harder to steal the souls of my children than at any time in history.  He knows his time is short and is desperate to do as much  damage as he can, while he still can.

By placing my mantle upon those you love, even those in a state of grave sin, it provides a protection against further attacks of the devil against their weaknesses.  My mother’s love, and your prayers for them will act as a healing balm for them.  

A person who is in great pain cannot think straight, and it is so with those in great spiritual pain due to the separation their sins cause them from Jesus.  

My mantle and your prayers do not heal them, but bring them comfort and peace so they might come to their senses and like the prodigal son, turn away from dissolute living and return to their Father in heaven.

Do not despair for those who are blinded to the truth of their eternal salvation.  Carry them in your hearts as I carry them in mine, and entrust them to the abundant merciful love of the Father, of their Savior, and to the power of the Holy Spirit.

Be always at peace my Children. You are loved beyond measure.


This morning as I sat down to pray the rosary, I was aware that Jesus was sharing some things with me as I was praying the Joyful Mysteries.  I did not sense that I was to stop and write them down at the time.  I just thought that I would receive a message today, and it would be from Him.  I cannot now remember specifically what He told me, but it related to the Joyful Mysteries as I recall.  By the time I had completed praying the Joyful mysteries, most of an hour had passed.

As I continued with the Luminous Mysteries, I got to the Wedding Feast at Cana.  As I started to recall the opening line of the scripture my wife and I use when we pray together, I prayed the words “Mary, the mother of Jesus”, and I felt a great love for Our Holy Mother.  As I was praying this mystery, Mary started to speak to me, and I realized that she was present, and was also praying with me.

After we completed the second Luminous Mystery, I asked if I should write down what she was communicating to me, and as I understood that was what I was to do, I put my Rosary down, and wrote the message above.

I did not immediately see her, but when I turned to my left I saw that she was physically some distance away, as she appeared fairly small.  She was all dressed in white, which I understood to be a symbol of her perpetual purity.

After the message was completed, Mother did not leave but prayed the remainder of the Luminous Mysteries and all the Sorrowful Mysteries with me.

She did make clear to me the importance of the second Fatima prayer given to the visionaries, and that we are right to pray it before the first decade, and after each decade thereafter.  The prayer starts: “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love You.”  She asked me to change the second part of the prayer ever so slightly.  It now goes: “I beg pardon for all those who do not believe in You, do not adore You, do not hope in You, and do not love You.” She also asked that it be prayed slowly and from the heart.

At the Transfiguration, the 4th Luminous Mystery, I asked her if she was somehow present on the mountain.  She very gently chided me that that was a very special favor for Peter, James and John, and so she was not there.  She then explained to me that she and St. Joseph had basically lived with seeing their Son’s Divinity every day.  She, especially, had seen during his time of ministry His Divinity shine through.  She was also aware that no one else could see Jesus as she did.

As we prayed the Sorrowful mysteries, I had very slight glimpses of His Divinity in the midst of His Great Suffering.  In the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery, the Crowning with Thorns, I saw a beautiful crown upon His Head, and loyal subjects bowing before Him, while at the same time seeing the thorns on His Head, and the soldiers mocking him.  Both the loyal subjects and the mockers said “Hail King of the Jews” at the same time, and while the loyal subjects bowed with reverence, the soldiers spat on Jesus.  The two images were somehow overlaid, but each came in and out for fractions of a second.  I did not hear Mother speak about any of this to me.

When I was about to start the 4th Sorrowful Mystery, I sensed that Mother wanted me to kneel before the crucifix for the last two Sorrowful Mysteries, and so I did.  We prayed them together, and I sensed her deep sorrow as Jesus was dying on the Cross, and expired. Mother had a deeper understanding of what was going on than we give her credit for, or give God credit for in what He had communicated to her.

As I started to pray the 1st Glorious Mystery, The Resurrection, I was aware that Jesus came to Mary before returning to the tomb to be seen by Mary Magdalene.  I saw from behind and to the right of Jesus His left hand upon his Holy Mother’s shoulder, and I saw in her face the look of love and adoration in her eyes, as she gazed upon her Savior, and ours.  It was a devotion and reverence that we should pay to the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, whether at Mass or in Adoration.

I was aware that she went down the main hall in our house towards the bedroom, and venerated a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the hall, and 2 other pictures of His Sacred Heart in our bedroom.  I also understood that she imparted a motherly blessing upon them as well.

As I continued to pray, I was aware that Mother had departed.  

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