Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 See Your Sinfulness

March 16, 2021 9:05 am

My Precious Child, from time to time I allow you to see your sins, confessed and unconfessed, not to condemn you, but to give you a glimpse at My Merciful Love for you.

Now, when you see your sins you are repulsed by them, and you turn your head away in sorrow for having offended Me, your God and King.  In the past, your disorders prevented you from seeing the hurt you caused Me, and you even entertained the thoughts of some of your sins.

It is good for you to recall your past sins, not to dwell on them, but to dwell on My Mercy.  Those you have confessed are gone from My Memory forever, though they remain in the darkest recesses of your own.

Confess any unconfessed sins and they too shall disappear from My Memory.

How is it possible for me, Your God, to forget your sins, when you cannot totally do so?

Being aware of your sinfulness, and that you have only been able to amend your life by My Grace humbles you and reminds you that I am the Creator, and you are the created.

Walk with Me along the right pathways to your eternal home.  Do not allow yourself to be distracted by the things and cares of this world.  Keep your eyes on Me, and your hand in Mine.

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