Monday, March 8, 2021


 Where is Your Hope, My People?

March 8, 2021 6:04 am

Where are you placing your Hope in this time of calamity, my Children?  Am I not the God who Saves, the God who Redeems, the God who Heals?

Am I not capable of leading you out of this current disaster, as I led the Jewish people out of Egypt?  Am I not capable of parting a sea to separate you from your enemies?

You are as stiff necked as my children in earlier generations.  Yet, I love you to distraction.

I created you in My Image to spend eternity with me in heaven.  But, I have placed you in this time and place to choose whether you will follow where I lead you, or will be distracted by the world.

I hear you moan and complain as the Jewish people did in the desert.  You long for what you call normal, just as they did.  You long for what you remember, not for the reality of what was.

Normal has meant the slaughter of unborn children, made in My Image.  Normal has meant following perverse ideas of sexuality which are an abomination to Me.  Normal has meant abandoning the hungry and the poor, and placing the self ahead of them.  

Shall I abandon you to Normal?  The evil one has been behind normal, perverting things I created for good so much so that you do not see that I have so much more for you.

I created Eden for you, and desire you to return to Eden, not to live like this.

Would a God of Love and Mercy be a part of the creation of products employing the cells and parts of aborted children; My Children? What you look upon as the common good, has become common, but not good.  How can destruction of innocent lives be for the common good?  

I call you, My People, to bow down on your knees before me, humble yourselves, repent of your sin, and place your trust completely in Me.

I have anticipated this day, and My Holy Spirit is dispensing gifts throughout the world , so that My Children can repent, and receive from Me in abundance the good gifts necessary to survive in these times, and draw others to Me.

I desire not that any be lost, but that all would turn their hearts to their Father in Heaven, and follow the path that will lead them to their eternal home.

My Son, Jesus came to set you all free from sin and death, by His death on the Cross, and by His Redemption.  I created a perfect human tabernacle for Him, in His and your mother Mary.  

Trust in Him, and in Mary’s intercession on your behalf.

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