Wednesday, February 24, 2021


You Cannot Sit This One Out

February 24, 2021, 7:24 am

My children, the Church has entered into her passion.  As Jesus was required to see His own passion and death through to the end, so too must His Church on earth see her passion through.

As Jesus Passion ended in victory, though the path was tortuous and painful, so too His Church will be resurrected in His glory.

The apostles fell asleep in the garden, while Jesus agonized over what was to come.  They were overcome by what they knew was coming, even though their knowledge of it was so limited.

Many of you are asleep in your own anguish, as in your hearts you know that what is coming must pass. But, I urge you to awaken, shake off the cobwebs of sleep, and strengthen yourselves for what is coming, and is already here.

The destruction on the horizon will take many by surprise, and they will need you to be awake to the things that are transpiring, to encourage them and lead them back to the only solid ground that exists, faith in Jesus.

Though many will listen to your pleadings on their behalf, many more will mock you as Jesus was mocked by the soldiers.  As the soldiers put a crown of thorns on Jesus head, mocked Him and spit on Him, you too will be mocked and humiliated.  

Your faith will be tested as you carry your own crosses.  Your own strength will not be sufficient for the task.  Jesus was near death as he carried His cross to Calvary, so his angels lightened the burden for Him, by holding up the cross for Him.  

Your angels will help you carry your crosses as well. In this way you will know that you are never out of My Sight, and My Love. Your burdens will never be more than you can  bear.

I call you to live each moment in the Joy of your faith.  Your joy in the midst of these great trials will be the sign of the love in your hearts for your God.

Remember always that in the darkest moments of the storms that are coming, I AM is always by your side.  I will never abandon you.

You are Mine! Abide in me!

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