Wednesday, February 17, 2021


The New Eve

February 17, 2021 6:05 am

My dear children, your first mother Eve was created in My Image, to be holy, and free from sin.  But, she and Adam sinned in the garden, and all of her offspring have carried her sin with them from their conception, as a result.

As sin entered the world through Eve, My Plan was and remains to overcome that sin with a New Eve, who would bring forth, not sin, but Salvation, to the world.

Your holy mother Mary, is the new Eve.  She was conceived without original sin, so she could be the perfect tabernacle for My Son to grow as an unborn child, to prepare to enter the world.

From her earliest days, she grew in holiness, and into the Divine Will.  

Adam and Eve were created in the Divine Will, but surrendered the Divine to take up their own will, and so gained knowledge of evil, which has influenced their offspring through all generations.

When Jesus spoke to Mary and John from the cross and gave Mary to him on your behalf to be your mother, he was fulfilling the prophecy of Elizabeth to Mary, when Elizabeth greeted her in the Visitation.

Elizabeth said: “Blessed is the fruit of your womb.”  You are all called to be the fruit of your mother Mary’s womb, and to imitate her life of holiness.  

Never was a son more dedicated to loving a mother like Jesus.  You are called to imitate Him in loving your holy mother, as well.

Every human on earth is created in Our Image, from the greatest sinner, to the greatest saint.  All are called to surrender their Will to me, and to take up the Divine Will.

I desire you to live in the new Eden, here on earth.   It is through living in the Divine Will that you will prepare the new Eden, first in your heart, and then spreading it around you.

Sin is the obstacle to the Divine Will and the new Eden.  Try as you might to train your will to avoid sin, you can only have limited success.  

But, you can surrender your will to Me, and receive in exchange the Divine Will, so the new Eden may grow and flourish in you, and spread from you to others.

In your own will, you can grow in holiness, but in the Divine Will you will flourish in ways of holiness beyond your imagination.  It is the greatest path to holiness, for you, and for all of those who you encounter in your daily life.

In the Divine Will, you will walk in love, and truth in mercy.  In the Divine Will, your eyes will be opened to not see the sin in others, but to see a child of God, in need of love and compassion.

Wash their feet with tears of compassion.  Accompany them to My Son Jesus at the foot of His Cross, where your mother Mary waits for you.

Surrender yourselves completely, My children!

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