Wednesday, February 10, 2021


 Avoid Distractions

February 10, 2021 7:45 am

On the Sea of Galilee, Peter and my other disciples dismissed Me, and had me go and sit down, as they navigated on the sea.  They only turned to Me, when the storm got beyond their skills to cope.  

At My Transfiguration, Peter saw me in my glory, yet wanted to know if I wanted him to build three tents for Moses, Elijah and Myself there.

Peter had been in My Presence, knew who I was, yet was distracted by things of the world in these and many other circumstances.

However, from the time the Holy Spirit came upon him at Pentecost, he was totally focused on his role in bringing about My Kingdom here on earth.

Your Holy Mother has been warning all who would listen about these times.  These storms are far more dangerous than on the Sea of Galilee, yet my people rely on their own skills, rather than relying on Me to save them.

Though I am present in the hearts of those baptized into My Death and Resurrection, still my people do not rely on me, but are distracted by the things of this world.

My beloved ones, do not continue to be distracted by the things of this world. There are no political or man made solutions to the crises you face.  The solutions the world is offering to you, are from the evil one, even though some of their proponents may be well meaning.

Restoration is only possible if you, who are called by My Name, humble yourselves, repent of your sin, and turn to me in humble prayer. I, the Triune God am the only answer to your questions.

The plans of the evil one, that had been prepared in secret for generations, are now out in the open.  The evil one is so confident in his pride that he is no longer in hiding. 

You have spiritual eyes to see and discern what he is about.  You have been given Wisdom from heaven, and can have more in abundance, to guide your steps in these perilous times.

There are many dark and darker days ahead, especially for those called by My Name,  but I Am with you always, to guide you and protect you on this Way of the Cross.

Fear not, but stand firm on the Gospel. Listen to your Mother, as she speaks words she has heard from Me for you.  She was the greatest mother I could have had, and is the greatest mother you can have.

It is also beneficial to you to entrust your care to St. Joseph, the chaste spouse of our mother, and my father, here on earth.  As he cared for Me, and guided me in many things, he will guide you also, if you let him.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!

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