Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Set Captives Free

February 3, 2021 8:15 am

My children, as the world appears to be spinning out of control, know that all that happens is allowed by Me, for my purposes.

My Son Jesus, walked the earth to turn the hearts of my people back to Me, away from sin.  By dying on the cross for mankind, He paid the price for the sins of mankind past, present, and future.

In these times of chaos, be aware My children, that the evil one is doing everything he can to take as many of my children with him to hell as he can. He is your true enemy, not your fellow man.

Your fellow man may participate in and even lead revolt against My Holy Name.  However, they are pawns in the clutches of Satan.  Those he possesses and those he oppresses are not lost until the last instant of their life on earth.

They are all loved by me, as they were created in my image.  As Jesus healed lepers and made the ugly, beautiful once again, those who have not yet died in the evil one’s clutches can up to the last instant be snatched back, and be healed of the ugliness that has overpowered them.

I call on you to love all who are created in my image, to pray fervently for all who appear aligned against Me.  When you speak words of judgement against any of my children, you empower the evil one to use your words as impetus to attack and bind them further.

The devil is so deceptive that most people who are mired in sin, are unaware of the state of their souls.  You condemning them in your hearts, or with your words, or actions are not helpful to their eternal salvation.

Your prayers for them are efficacious.  The simplest and most effective prayer you can pray for someone is: “Sacred Heart of Jesus I trust in Your Love for” that person.  That prayer is a prayer of truth that I will hear and respond to.

When you speak words of condemnation even about those who appear to be hardened sinners, you speak half truths and some outright lies.  I do not hear those words, but the evil one does.

Do you wish to empower the devil to make someone whose life is already painful, even more so?  Do you know what is going on in your own heart, let alone the heart of another?

Love one another, as I have loved you. 

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