Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Now is the Time

January 27, 2021 7:10 am

My children, the Church has entered into Her Passion.  Since the time my Son walked the earth and formed His Church, it has been opposed, both from without and from within.

But, the Church is not just an institution, but also the very body of My Son Jesus, the Christ.  As such, it must undergo its own Passion, and purification.

As you pray the Holy Rosary, you see in the Sorrowful Mysteries, the aspects of the specific path to Calvary, where Jesus died for all.  Today, the Church is on its way of the Cross.

Your Passion is both personal and a participation in the Passion of the entire body of Christ.  Jesus, in the garden, embraced His specific Passion, but also embraced for the Church her entry into her own Passion.

As the servant is not greater than the Master, the Church and its members individually, must embrace this Passion, and with great courage allow herself to be immolated, as Jesus was.

Jesus, who was God, and could have stopped His Passion, by an act of His Will, patiently submitted Himself to the torture, mocking, and shame of His Crucifixion.

You also, could renounce your faith, submit to the authorities of this day, and avoid much of the temporal suffering that is coming your way.

But, like the apostles, who declined to turn away from Jesus, who they acknowledged as the way, the truth, and the life, by grace that was imparted to them, you too must continue to pray for the grace to not surrender to the temptation to turn away from your own Passion.

Like Jesus, you will be ministered to by angels, during your agony.  Also, like Jesus, your Holy Mother will be there with you along your path, interceding for you, and loving you as only a mother can.

You have Jesus, who has been through it already, as your Guide, and the Holy Spirit to show you the way, moment by moment.

As I waited joyfully for Jesus victory, and return to His heavenly throne, I wait for you to come to your eternal home to be with us and celebrate the victory over the evil one, and his destructive ways.

What a great day that will be!

This message begat a few thoughts for me.

  1. If we can believe, as we must that the Church is the body of Christ, which is pretty illogical on its face, why is it so difficult to believe that the Eucharist is truly His Body and Blood?  Both are mysteries.
  2. Mary walked with Jesus on the pathway to His Crucifixion, from his infancy until its completion.  Jesus gave Mary to us from the Cross.  Mary has appeared throughout the world often.  Her messages have been of the love of a mother for her first born, but also for her adopted children.  Is part or all of Mary’s real purpose to accompany us on our Passion? 


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