Wednesday, April 21, 2021


 To My Sacerdotal Sons

April 21, 2021 6:14 am

My dear priest sons, many of you have cried out to me this past year, as your hearts have been broken at being unable to bring My Son Jesus, in the Eucharist to your brothers and sisters.

You were anointed to be priests, to be bearers of My Good News, to draw your brothers and sisters into relationship with Me, by being Me for them.

I have allowed all that has happened and will happen, to draw you back to your first love. You have become administrators and functionaries for the government, and have done as you have been told, while losing touch with your flocks.

The fear that the evil one has sown on your lands has taken over, and this must not be so.  You are afraid to touch the hands, and hearts of your people.  Do you not trust that I will protect you from sickness, when you have the courage to reach out to those who are so desperately in need of the touch of Jesus you have been anointed to bring  to them?

I call you to turn away from your fears, which are not from Me.  I call you to find ways to bring the Eucharist to those who so desperately need spiritual food, to bring Reconciliation to those, who without it might be lost.  I call you to bring viaticum to the sick and dying, without fear.

How many souls have been lost this past year, because you were prevented from ministering to them in their final moments?

No hands, but those of my anointed ministers should touch My Eucharistic Son, except in the most dire of circumstances.

You have been shackled by fear. I have loosed those shackles, as they are spiritual.  I call you to take authority, step out of those shackles, and lead your flocks from fear into My Joy.

Rise up my sons.  Feed my sheep!

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