Saturday, October 2, 2021


Love Letter to A Beloved Soul

October 2, 2021

My Dearest Precious Child:

You have spent your life trying to find happiness, to find meaning, to find a purpose. And you have been frustrated in your efforts.

You have wandered, or run, depending on the season of your life, away from Me, the source of all life.

How I have longed for you to turn your heart to me, as you did in your littleness when you were baptized into My Body, into My Death, and Resurrection. At your Baptism you were made one with Me.

But in the hurts and disappointments of life, you wandered away. Rather than trust in Me, your Lord and Savior, and most Ardent Lover, you have looked for love outside Me.

You cannot fathom the depth of My Love for you. It is boundless. It is unlike any concept of love you can imagine. 

It is love to distraction. Yes, my Little One, I, the Lord, and King of the universe, who created and owns everything that exists, love you, my Treasure, to distraction.

There is no mountain I would not move, to win your heart, and join it once again to Mine, if you would only surrender to Me.

I have allowed you to make the choices in your life. Though it pains me greatly, I have allowed others to hurt you in their own weakness and sin. All this has been done beneath my watchful eye, and fits into the plan I have for you.

You ask how a Loving God could allow all the bad things that happened to you to occur. I tell you that the angels I have assigned to watch over you have prevented much worse from happening.

I allow all things to happen because the greatest gift I gave to you was free will. Without Me at the center of your life, your free will will always clash with that of your fellow man, and ultimately bring hurt and heartache to you, and to others with whom you interact.

That is not my desire for you. I desire you to come to Me, to trust Me to love you completely, and to love Me in return.

I desire to give you new eyes to see Me, to see the many gifts I give you and have given throughout your life.

I desire you to hear with new ears the sound of My Voice calling out to you and telling you how much I love you.

I desire to melt the hardness of your heart, which has been wounded by your sin, and that of others, and to take up residence there with you forever.

There is so much I long to whisper to you, to tell you of My Merciful Love for you, of how I saw you from the Cross, as I suffered and died for you.

You have been rejected so often in your life, and have felt the depth of hurt as the rejections piled up, one upon another. 

I, who have been rejected by those I came to save, am the only one who can ever understand the depths of your sorrow.

Come to Me, and let Me heal your pain. Turn your heart to Me, and I will fill you with a love sweeter than you can imagine, for I am Love, and wish to shower you with Love.

Love loves you! 

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