Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Trust Me My Loved Ones

 Trust Me, My Loved Ones - George Sebok

March 2016

My Dear People, you need to allow my Spirit to move freely. Do not step in front of my plan that is in motion. Let go of your ego, your personal plans and allow my Spirit to move freely. 

Are you worried that my direction cannot be discerned? Do not fear but listen to my guidance and I will enlighten the way. I am the sovereign one. 

I am always doing the best with what you have chosen to do. Even though what you choose may be imperfect, perfection will come through my guidance. 

Why are you afraid? Cast that fear away in my name. Take captive your thoughts and ask for my Spirit’s gift of discernment and of wisdom and My knowledge. 

Your heart is right. Do not be deceived. I have shown you what is going on in other people’s lives and thoughts. Do not be afraid to challenge them to listen more deeply to my Spirit.  

The root of sin in your lives must be dealt with in order to hear me clearly. Try your best to remain in the state of grace. 

Ask for my help. I have you on the right path and I will show and enlighten to you My ways. 

But Lord! What is your way? 

Have you not heard me? I am the Way, the truth and the life. My spirit in you will guide you through My many blessed gifts. Ask and it will be given you, knock and the door will be opened. 

Enter into this new realm of thinking. Do not be intimidated by the evil one nor be discouraged. In your weakness I am strong. I am there to help you. 

The evil one knows the weakness of each one and uses it to bring turmoil and confusion, doubt and hesitation. 

When you see weakness, challenge each other in love and don’t fear. The worst fear is fear itself so speak in love and the barriers will come down with good results. 

Trust me my loved ones.

To A Precious Child

 To A Precious Child

June 22, 2022

My Dear Precious Child, I have been calling out to you for all of your life. When My Son Jesus, hung dying on the Cross of Salvation, He called out to YOU personally, when He said: “I thirst.”

It was you He thirsted for. It was you He called into intimate relationship with Him, your Lord and your Savior.

My Child, you have been given many gifts, which were to be used for My Glory. However, the evil one, the great deceiver, was able to sneak in to your life through choices you made to go what you thought was your own way.

Though you were unaware, by following his deceptions, you were rejecting the call I have placed upon your life.

I call you now to surrender your heart and mind to Me alone, the triune God. I call you to humble yourself before me, and imitate your precious, Holy Mother Mary. Let her be the model for your life, from this moment forward.

I call you to receive the abundant Love I have for you, which you have so often rejected. Return to My Church. Return to the sacraments, first the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and then to the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the heavenly food that will strengthen you and sustain you on the journey I have called you to.

Invite My Holy Spirit to fill you with my manifold gifts, and use them for my glory alone. 

Place yourself beneath the mantle of protection of your Holy Mother, and come near her Immaculate Heart, which will triumph over the evils of this world.