Thursday, October 14, 2021


 Hang on to Me - George Sebok 

May 31, 1997

My sons and daughters, pray for your parish priest and parish. I am beginning to open doors there that are for you to enter in. 

Don’t be afraid because I will use you as instruments of my Holy Spirit. You will lay your hands on my people there, and an explosion of the Holy Spirit will occur beginning with my priest. 

This is the place I am calling you as my base for ministry. From here will come the model from which the great miracles will occur. 

My plan will come quickly, now, so pray my sons and daughters, now is the time. From this place will flow forth my blessing, more freely than you can know. 

Your visions will spread from here; therefore gather as one into your parish. Do not abandon it now. All things that I have shown my faithful including your bishop will come to pass. 

Be sure not to forget this model parish as it is the place from which I will flow. The vision for St. Joseph’s is my working church that I have not abandoned. 

The spark of my Spirit will ignite my people into obedience here and the fire of my Spirit will spread and spread. Believe in my new and fresh revelations. 

All things will fall into place now and your needs will be taken care of, my beloved ones. Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. How exciting, my children. 

Now, with patience and prayer my angels are vigorously preparing for my plan and the explosion of my Spirit. Hang on, my faithful sons and daughters. Hang on to me.

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