Wednesday, September 22, 2021


 Hold Nothing Back

September 22, 2021

My Dear Children of My Immaculate Heart.

I have been sent from heaven, as a loving and concerned mother, to warn you of what is before you, to prepare you for the trials that have come, and for the greater ones on the horizon, and to gather you beneath my mantle of protection, in these times.

My children, the evil one, in his hatred for all of my and the Father’s children, is waging war on you, and is raising the temperature (1) of his war on you. He will not rest until he is thrown into the pit of hell.

I warned you that nothing is as it seems. You must remain under my protective mantle, and not depart from it. This is your spiritual refuge. It is your place of safety.

God desires that you give yourself fully to Him, and to His Plan for your life. Do not try to hide things from Him, who is your Source. Attempting to hold on to things of this world acts as an anchor to this world for you. (2)

Though you are in this world, the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, and is your eternal home. Experience the joy of heaven, even here, by entering into the Divine Will.

If you are living in your spiritual home, while physically here on the earth, what have you to fear?

You are closest to heaven when you come to my Son in Eucharist and Confession. Your angels rejoice to see you conformed to Jesus by your repentance, and when He enters you Eucharistically.

There is coming a time soon, when the sacraments will once again be denied to you. My priest sons will be called on by my Son, to find ways to bring them to you, as in other times the Church was persecuted.

My sacerdotal sons, fear not in these times that are coming. You have been anointed by my Son to bring the Kiss of Jesus to your flock. For this you have been chosen.

In the battles on the horizon, you will be given the courage to bring my Son to your people, and the Wisdom to speak peace to their anxieties. Remain faithful to your ordination vows.

The faith and perseverance of my sacerdotal sons will bear great witness to my other children, who the evil one will try to discourage. (3)

My son, Jesus has redeemed you, and given all my children the graces necessary to prevail in these times.

My special son, yours and our Saint Padre Pio said: “Pray, Hope and don’t worry.” 

And so you shall! And so you shall prevail!!!

  1. I wanted to use another word, but temperature was the word I was given. I do not  understand its particular use here.
  2. I saw a soul rising up to heaven, but prevented from getting very high, by a rope around the waist that was attached to a seemingly small thing on the earth.
  3. I saw the call on priests as burdensome in one sense. It is a greater responsibility than at any time in their priesthood to date. It is a new mantle of anointing, but they can choose to receive it or not. (4)
  4. Those who accept this mantle will suffer as Jesus did, for their flock, but will be rewarded greatly in heaven, while they strengthen the flock here on earth. More importantly, they will receive a share in the blessings from the good works of those in their flock.

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