Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 Love Your Neighbor 

July 28, 2020

My Beloved Ones, the parables I gave while with you on the earth are timeless, and contain gems of wisdom for those in whom my Holy Spirit has already begun the work of infilling with My Wisdom.

The world of today is very much like the parable of the good seed, and the weeds.  The evil one is all around you, and like the bad seed, the tentacles of his roots are entangled around the roots of the good seeds.

I call you to assist me in preparing the good seed for the coming harvest. How can this entanglement be overcome?  

If you indiscriminately speak, even good things, to those that have been entangled in the roots of the evil one, it is as though you cut off some of the roots of the plant you are trying to save.

But, if you nurture those in your path, with kindness and love, as I guide you, as though surrounding plants with good soil and nutrients, you will gently strengthen them.  In this way, they will grow roots of faith stronger than the tentacles of the evil weeds around them.

As these times become darker, the light which I have given you will shine even brighter, if you do not extinguish it with spiritual pride.  I call you to light the path way for those in darkness.

Quiet yourselves, even in the midst of the tumult of this age.  Listen for My still small voice to lead you to those in need of nurturing, and give you the words to speak, which I alone know are best for their situation.

Receive me in Eucharist as often as you can, for the time is coming again, when receiving will be even more difficult.  Seek the sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, while you can.  

These sacraments, combined with much prayer and fasting will sustain you as the earth shakes, and darkness spreads.

I desire that all be saved, and I desire that you be instruments in their salvation.  The closer you draw to me, the better you will hear My Voice and be able to be Me for them.

Vision accompanying Prophecy

I saw the roots of wheat and tares. The roots of the wheat were reaching down for nutrients and water, while the roots of the tares were looking to get their nourishment from the roots of the wheat.  The sunshine and rain benefited both plants, though the roots of the wheat went deeper on their own, than the tares.  The roots of the tares would surround the roots of the wheat and absorb the nutrients from them. 

If the crop were to be harvested at this time, the tares would be entangled with the wheat and much of the wheat would be lost in trying to separate them.

But, like good farmers, the faithful were called to care for the wheat, by adding additional nutrients and ensuring that the roots were properly covered so as not to burn in the sun.

This care of the wheat made it stronger, and with firm deep roots.  When harvest time came, the tares, with shallow roots could be removed without damaging the wheat, and then the wheat could be harvested.

From St. Faustina’s Diary

I do not live for myself alone 

I am striving for sanctity, because in this way I shall be useful to the Church. I try faithfully to follow Jesus. And I deposit this whole series of daily virtues—silent, hidden, almost imperceptible, but made with great love—in the treasury of God’s Church for the common benefit of souls. I feel interiorly as if I were responsible for all souls. I know very well that I do not live for myself alone, but for the entire Church.

(Diary 1505)

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