Sunday, July 21, 2024


Saturday March 21, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

For several years I have been web master for a prophecy site for words, believed to be from the Lord, received by directees of Father Sam Johnston, a retired priest of the London Diocese.

The latest message, linked below, arrived, and opened with the following words: "Do not be afraid, I am with you to sustain you, all that is transpiring has been allowed by Me or it would not have happened.”

When my wife and I were out of town last week, the first line of the song linked below was in her head.  I didn’t recognize it, and she found it when we got back home.  For many years, the musical leader of Hillsong was Darlene Zschech, and she did this song with them.  So, here is a beautiful rendition of a beautiful song for these times.

I Desire Jesus

After I Desire Jesus was tightly stuck in my head, I remembered a very old song, from 1939, by George Beverley Shea, which became a beautiful Evangelical standard.  Here is a beautiful version by Selah, a Christian contemporary group.

I’d Rather Have Jesus

Here is another more meditative country version of I’d Rather Have Jesus, sung by Jason Crabb.

God Bless You all, and your loved ones, near and far.

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