Sunday, August 7, 2016

Trials and Tribulations

My Children

In your lives are many trials and tribulations.  In the midst of them you often ask Me: "Why me, Lord?"  The trite answer would be for me to say: "Why not you?"  But My real Answer to you My Child is: "Because I love you."

It is in the trials and tribulations that you must turn to Me to endure.  I walk beside you through them all.  I weep with you.  I hurt alongside you.  I mourn your losses. I love you through each one.

You say to Me: "Lord, you could make it all go away.  You are the Lord, after all."  That is true, My Child.  But, you see only a small part of a gigantic picture.  You have no idea how your triumph in these trials brings glory and honor to Me, and sanctification to you. 

I invite you to persevere in these trials, knowing that I am always with you.  Even though you do not see Me, you can come to Me in My Sacraments, which were created to draw you closer to Me.  There you will encounter Me in the depths of your heart.

July 14, 2016


  1. Thought you might like to know, Father Clemet Agamba, from Ghana, whom you mentioned in a post from 2010, passed away on December 3 in Tucson.
    His funeral Mass will be at the St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson on December 21, 2016.
    His last parish was Our Lady of Lourdes in Benson, AZ.
    Sorry to comment here, but I didn't know another way of letting you know.
    There may be more information on the Tucson diocese website.

  2. David

    I am very saddened to hear of his death. He was a very special priest.

    I cannot find anything about his death. If you have more information, please forward it.

    God Bless You
