Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Breaking It Down - Prophecy from Ridgetown Ontario October 25, 2011

Over at Life in the Spirit this prophecy appeared today.  It is entitled "Bread of Life".  I have reproduced it below, but it is chopped up with my explanations about its content.  The original content is in red.
You have known and acknowledged that I have called and chosen you.
People of prayer have felt the call of the Lord in their lives.  They have been led to begin to repent of their sins and to turn their hearts to doing God's Will in their lives.  

We have begun to see that the things of this world are really not important, but that the people of it are, and they, just like we were, are trapped in the lure of this world, and its empty promises.
If you have felt this in your life, then you are to know that you have been called and chosen by God for this place and this time.
 I have selected to make of you a vessel for the continued sanctification and nourishment of your families especially those who have left the faith and the Sacraments.

One of the things in life that is now a cause of sadness for me is how our children have abandoned the Catholic faith, in practice if not fully in their hearts.  Their lives and the lives of our siblings, their children and loved ones and of many of our acquaintances and friends are modeled after the world we inhabit and not the Saviour of the World who came for us and died, and then was resurrected for us that we might have life to the full in Him.

One of the reasons for the falling away in our society of the once faithful has been the influence of the devil in this age.  Part of the behavior of our children and siblings is their response to the sinful example of my own life to them for so much of my life.  If I had me for a father or a brother would I behave any differently than my children and siblings?

But, if we can see that we have been called out of the muck and mire, how are we to help others our of it, particularly if they, like us before, have no idea that they are stuck in the muck.

But, God says here that we are to be vessels of their sanctification, all those who we shed silent tears for.  Many of the tears I shed for those of my family is for how they were lured deeper into lives of sin by my own sinfulness. 
In using you as My instruments, many would otherwise be forever lost, starving for Spiritual food, without My intervention.
Here, God tells us that our weeping and mourning will not be wasted, and that we are called to be His Instruments to help feed them the spiritual food that God has been giving to us.  He wants us to share His food, His Body and Blood, with them.  But How?
You will stand in the gap, maintaining the lifeline of grace, Hope in the wake of the coming Chastisement.
We are not useless.  We can stand in the gap for them, praying for them, loving them where they are, and by living lives worthy of the calling of God on our own lives, we can be signs to them in times of trouble as in the coming Chastisement.
Ahh!  The coming Chastisement.  We don't know what that is really going to be, but we cannot look at the weather patterns or lack thereof in our world, the starvation happening in our world, both physical and moral, the economic uncertainties that exist, particularly since the latest recession started in 2008.  With the rule of abortion, same sex marriage, and general lawlessness that is prevailing, can God stand back, and not chastise us to bring us back to Him?
You will be My chosen vessels sent to others as well, who are in need of My healing, deliverance and peace.
We will be sent to help others as well, maybe next door, maybe across the globe.  Can any of us, if our hearts are coming into tune with God not see the need for healing, deliverance and finally peace in this sin sick world.
Just as you can do nothing on your own, always be totally infused in Me as your source of food and strength for the Mission to which you have been called.
But, chosen though we may be, we are not in this alone, not guided by our own selves, but are to be totally filled with Him as our food and strength to fulfill the calling on us.  Whew!  That takes a load off of my mind.  My sin has been a part of what has led so many to abandon God in this day and age, not mine alone, but mine is every bit as big a part of this disease as anyone else's.   But, God will fill me up with Him, so that I can be Him to my family, to friends, to strangers on the journey.
Your supply replenished as a Ciborium filled with consecrated Hosts ready to feed the poor.

In the Catholic Mass, the Ciborium is a gold container with a lid on it that holds the consecrated body (sacramental bread) of our Lord Jesus Christ.  When Mass is said, the priest consecrates the body and blood of Jesus and refills the Ciboria/  God is saying that as simply (though mystically) as this is done, so we shall be filled with Him for our journey.  The symbolism of this is wonderful.

You yourself will be My Ciborium, I am the Bread of Life.
And it gets better.  We will be a Ciborium, filled with the Bread of Life.  We will be filled and refilled with Him, Our Saviour.
Give what you have received from Me to the many who are in dire need.
So, we are then able to give what we have received, with no need to horde it, because it will be refilled as we need.  How cool is that!
First must be your families of which you are closely related, then to those I bring to you without their being aware.
 Oh! Sage advice there, but what would you expect from God who so loves us.  Our first responsibilities are to our families.  They have been hurt by our sin, but they are also aided by our love, and as we grow more in love and less in sin, they gain benefits from it.

But, interesting phrase at the end of that sentence "those I bring to you without their being aware."  So, we don't go up to them and tell them that we have something and they need it.  No, we are to bring them the love of God without their being aware.  So, our job is not to scare them to Him, but love them to Him.
Loved one, will you serve Me in this way?  Will you allow Me to use you as a Ciborium to feed others?
So, the close, just as in any good sales effort.  After the above, dare we say no?  Not me, thank you very much.   Remember the hymn we sing from time to time "Here I am Lord".  One part of the lyric goes: "I will go, if you lead me.  I will hold your people in my heart."
From now on, because you have given to Me your hearts and your whole being, your time will be most valuable in the time remaining.
This statement is somewhat in response to a prayer that Jesus gave to Anne, a Lay Apostle in locutions in Cavan Ireland a number of years ago for the faithful to pray.  It goes: "Dear God in Heaven, I give You my life, my work and my heart.  In turn, give me the grace of obeying Your every direction to the fullest ppossible extent.  Amen."
If we have given our hearts as He says, and given Him our whole being, there will be an economy to the time that we have available to us.
Be at peace always for this will attract the ones who are most confused in the frantic world of speed and noise.
But, Lord how are we to bring them to you?  Ahh!  Be at peace.!

Now, Julian of Norwich makes sense, as she said:  "All will be well.  All will be well.  All manner of things will be well."  Whys did she need to repeat it three times?  Why did Jesus ask Peter: "Do you love me?' three times.  So, we would get it eventually.  It was important enough to repeat.

So, God tells us to be at peace ALWAYS.  That will attract them.  My Dear Wife and I have been praying together in the evenings, offering up intentions of those things and people of whom we are aware, praying the Rosary, the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows, a number of other specific prayers that have come to us over the years, and doing a brief reading with prayers.  We have noticed changes happening in the lives of loved ones and others, and have also had people come to our home and comment on how peaceful it is.  That is God at work.  It isn't us, though we are cooperating.  It is Him.
You will appear to stand alone and will seem not to conform with the world at large but it must be so.

Since He closed the sale above, He can now tell us a bit about the challenges that come with selling out for Him.   We will appear to stand alone.  I find that many of the things that people are talking about as important do not matter to me anymore.   Specifically, the matters do not really matter.  But, the people do, so there is detachment from their issues, but a growing attachment to the individuals and their hearts.
This is My plan for you and for all who will respond to My call, it falls on deaf ears too preoccupied.

It is a call for survival for salvation.
So, this is His Plan for me, for you, for all who read these messages, and for those who receive their messages in other ways.  We are not to be deaf to this call, and not to be preoccupied with the things of this world, like our work, our play, our television sets, and other distractions from the big picture, His Big Picture.

How important is this.  It is a call for SURVIVAL.  Our very survival is at stake here.  And more than that SALVATION.  He is the Way the Truth and the Life, and that leads to our salvation.  There is no other path way to get there.  Big house won't do it.  Money in the bank won't make it happen.

This is a call to be humble and contrite.  "A humbled and contrite heart You will not spurn."
Be the vessel of food for the needy, the Bread of Life for those who are not destined to perish.
"Be" the vessel of food, not "Do".  We are human beings, not human doings.  Our being is to be active, but we are to model Him for others.  Jesus lived His life on earth in humble obedience to the Father, even unto His death on the cross.  He was the vessel of food for the needy.  Can we be any less in this day and age?

We are to be the vessel of food for those "not destined to perish."  Jesus knows that some will perish.  He is not bound by time and space, so He knows the end, who said yes, and who said no to His Call.  All can say yes, but many will not.  But, let none say no because we did not come to them with Him and as Him as He calls us to.  I do not want that on my head.  Do you?
This is a mysterious concept for you but as you will trust in My work in you all will fall into place.
Wow! That's an understatement.   A mysterious concept, You say.  But, all we have to do is trust in His work, and it will fall into place.  It will slowly become clear, though still a mystery, but the veils that hide it from us will be pierced, and our eyes will see more clearly.
My desire is that none should perish whom My Father has given Me.
Though He knows that some are destined to fail, because they will choose not to follow Him, He does not want any to perish, as we were all given to Him by the Father.  We can choose not to follow, but His heart aches for those who will turn away, and He will not rest until He has exercised all options to draw all to Him.

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