Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bishop Takes Pawn: Plundering The Rights of a Prisoner Priest .

Ryan MacDonald

The case of Father Gordon MacRae, of the Diocese of Manchester New Hampshire stinks.  Father MacRae was convicted, in the absence of any evidenc,e in what essentially amounts to part of a pogrom against Roman Catholic priests over allegations of sexual abuse of minors.  That some Catholic clergy committed egregious offences against children whose trust they destroyed is not in dispute.  But, that some opportunists saw a chance to fleece the suckers (diocesan leadership) by advancing trumped up claims of abuse is also not in dispute.

Father MacRae has served over 17 years in prison simply because he will not admit guilt, and show remorse for something that he continues to claim he did not do, and evidentially could not have done.  Had he admitted guilt, he would be free to roam the streets of America.  He would not be a Catholic priest, of course, and that seems to matter to him, as it should.  He would also have to admit to having been a liar for proclaiming his innocence, which for him would be a more grave lie.

Ryan MacDonald has periodically written solid pieces of journalism, as new evidence has come forth, and as his research has uncovered long buried evidence.  In the piece linked below, he paints a picture of the railroading of Father MacRae, by the most unlikely of sources, the Bishop and leadership of the Diocese of Manchester.

Be prepared to be astounded, and after that wears off, keep Father Gordon and the Bishops of Manchester in your prayers.

A Ram In The Thicket: Bishop Takes Pawn: Plundering The Rights of a Pris...: By Ryan A. MacDonald Bishop John B. McCormack, Aux. Bishop Francis J. Christian and  Fr. Edward Arsenault, announce names of accused pr...

1 comment:

  1. I am very grateful to see Michael Brandon use this article by Ryan MacDonald. I have been reading Michael's name a lot of late. He is quoted a few times in a new book by Father James Valladares entitled, "Hope Springs Eternal in the Priestly Breast." I was so proud to see Michael Brandon and the Freedom Through Truth blog cited therein with more than one reference. I think Michael has come up with one of the most widely used quotes of the last decade of scandal: "The Church has become the safest place in the world for children and the most dangerous place in the world for Catholic priests." Thank you, Michael, for having a heart of justice and the courage of a devoted soul.
    With blessings,
    Father Gordon MacRae
