Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception

December 8

Today we celebrate in the Catholic Church that Mary, Our Dear Mother, and the model for Holy Mother Church, was conceived without original sin, unlike any other human being born after Adam and Eve.  This was so that Mary would be a spotless tabernacle in which the baby Jesus could repose prior to his birth.

Look at it logically, with your made in the image and likeness of God hat on.  Could it have been any other way?

Some very good Catholic writers have put their thoughts to digital paper to honour Mary today. 

Jennifer Hartline, wife of a US Army major, mother, home school teacher to her three daughters, and a pretty talented writer has a meditation on the First Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Annunciation, about Mary and the fruit of the mystery that we pray for when we pray this mystery, humility.  You can read it here.

Monsignor Charles Pope, a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, has an article today on the Fittingness and Faithfulness of the Immaculate Conception.  In the article he describes three perspectives on Mary and her Immaculate Conception, the fittingness of it, the biblical support for it, and finally what the early Fathers of the Church taught back in reported writings.

Anne Bender, the writer of Imprisoned in My Bones blog, has an interesting perspective, speaking of perspectives.  She speaks of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and some of what it means to and for her.  She speaks of devotion to Mary, and about the job of every Christian, to live as Mary did totally devoted to the desires of her son, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  You can read her reflections here.

Stephen McElligott, from Ireland, over at Loyal to the Magisterium, leaves us with a quote from one of his favourite spiritual writers Vasulla Ryden, who claims to write only what Jesus tells here.  His posting is titled Run to Your Blessed Mother

We Catholics love our Dear Mother, though most of us do not know particularly why.  She is a mother to us.  She is the Mother of Our Dear Saviour.  She is for us the Queen of Heaven.  She is the example of what Life in Christ is about.  She is also the woman of my last writer's article.

She, this day, is the subject of an article by Taylor Marshall, a former Episcopal priest, who came home to Rome 4 years ago, and brought with him a love of Our Lord and His Mother that he shares over at Canterbury Tales blog.  In this particular instalment of his writings, he reminds us that in the Latin Vulgate Genesis 3:15 says: "She will crush the head of Satan."  He reminds us that Mary has a role in human salvation, of course, by the grace of God.  She is a willing instrument of her and our Father,and of her son, Our Lord.  You can read his article Who Crushes Satan's Head in Genesis 3:15.

Personally, I have nothing further to add that would enhance the writing of these fine Catholic Christians, other than to say Amen, and Amen.

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