Saturday, August 21, 2010

Men - Be Men Not Boys

Monsignor Charles Pope

Over on the Archdiocese of Washington blog site is some of the teaching of Monsignor Charles Pope, a priest of that Diocese on marriage.  This particular teaching revolves around 3 humorous, but insightful sayings he has picked up over the years:
1) Some want their marriage to be ideal and if there’s any ordeal they want a new deal
2) Honey, if you ever leave me, I’m going with you
3) Marriage makes two people one. The trouble comes in determining which one.
I am graced to be married to the woman of my dreams, to have as a marriage partner someone who loves me for me, and allows me to love her for her, and for us Christ is at the very center of our marriage (more on this another time). 

But, it was not always so.  In the video, attached, Monsignor Pope talks about a man leaving his father and mother and clinging to his wife, while boys play the field.  For most of my life, including two failed attempts at marriage, I was a boy, not because I played the field so much as because I did not cling to my wife, and set my childish tendencies behind me, and cling like mad to the woman to whom I was married.

Read the linked article please, and watch the video below.  It speaks to me and to my heart, and I hope it will do so to yours as well.

There is also a video of a sermon on Marriage that he gave and which is available on You Tube

Here is a link to Monsignor Pope's own web site where some of his teachings can be heard and seen.

h/t Where the Rubber Hits the Road

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