Friday, August 6, 2010

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and the Devil

Sounds From A Wise Man in the Past

Bishop Sheen was a great orator and was one of the earliest to use media effectively to spread the Good News in the middle of the last century.

Here is a series of YouTube clips from one of his preachings about the Devil, which I came across yesterday at Sancte Pater blog.


  1. Archbishop Fulton Sheen's words were as fresh and relevant then as they are now. God bless him.

    He certainly was aware of the horrors that were looming and would steadily worsen (as we are seeing all around us now). At the same time, he firmly reminds us of the mercy and love of our Lord and how to stay on the right path and be saved.

  2. Excellent Comment. At least . . . I agree with you

    I think he was a great and holy man of God.

    God Bless You

