Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Please Join Me in Prayer

Joan and Jim Noll

About a month ago, I wrote about a dear woman friend of ours from Tucson Arizona, Joan Noll, who had passed away on the 24th of May, 2010, at 75 years of age.

She was a very remarkable woman, but was married to a very remarkable man.  Where Joan was effervescent and outgoing, Jim was solid as a rock.  Jim has now lost his soul mate of 39 years, and must find his own way in his later years alone.  They were unable to have children and so Jim is very much alone, though not alone in the world of the Spirit.

This morning My Dear Wife and I received a card from Jim, acknowledging the mass card we sent for the mass that will be said for the repose of Joan's soul. 

Joan died very suddenly of a massive heart attack, even though the mediciations she was taking for her heart and other ailments seemed to be working fine.  It came as quite a shock to Jim.

Jim has asked that we pray for Joan and for him, and so I entreat you to join me in praying for his safety, and that friends and family, and parish members will draw alongside of him in this time of need. 

Sacred Heart of Jesus we trust in Your Love for Jim and Joan Noll.
Sacred Heart of Jesus fill them and us with your blood.

1 comment:

  1. Dont you think its a lile to late to be askin God to fill Joan with his blood? She's deceased, theres nothing more we can pray for regarding Joan. except pray that we hope she made it to Heaven.
