Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last Minute Thoughts for Christmas

Sounds and Smells and More, Much More

In a few minutes I will head out to pick up the turkey, and a prime rib roast for Boxing Day, and then after we tidy up a bit, we will prepare some of the foods we will eat over the next two days with family, the squash, rosemary mashed potatoes, . . . and the Christmas Pudding. Can't forget that, . . . with caramel sauce.

This evening, we will travel over to Strathroy, Ontario about 25 minutes away, and take my wife's mother to mass at her Church. The new quilted stockings we made will be hung tonight for our adult children, when they arrive.

We will play Christmas music on the stereo, as we have done many days lately, and maybe even watch a Christmas movie on the TV, if there is time.

But above all, we will be thinking of the Reason for the Season, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whose birth we are celebrating.

As we join with our children, and their loved ones, and my mother in law, and then my sister and her family, we will be with those we hold most dear on this earth, sharing the love that comes to us from the source of all love, Our God.

So, at this time, I want to wish all of you who drop in to my blog a very Merry Christmas. I hope that you will be with friends and family for Christmas, and this will be the most wonderful Christmas of all.

Merry Christmas to All. May God Bless You and Your Family.

1 comment:

  1. Michael: And a big huge MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours as well! Keep up the SPECTACULAR WORK you have been doing through Freedom Through Truth. Your site has become something of a habit for me now - several times daily. It is so WONDERFUL to be able to visit a Christian (Catholic) site and NOT feel I am being preached at but, rather, to learn that I am NOT alone among Christ's soldiers to wonder, question, seek clarification and sustenance in friendship instead of dogma. Your Christian spirit infuses your every posting, and your wonderment and faith in God keeps finding new ways to express themselves. Because of that, FREEDOM THROUGH TRUTH genuinely insires me to look within without fear, without acrimony. You bring this gift to people like me, Michael. Or maybe God brings this gift to me through Michael Brandon.

    In the end, Michael, does it really matter? It's all the same, really. Just God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit at play with the Faithful and the Seekers.

    In conclusion, Michael, you should know that you have been God's Instrument. And God's has an infinite catalogue of melodies, my friend. Keep the channel open...
