Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finally A Bishop Stands Against Kennedy's and Their Abortion Voting

Bravo Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence

Senator Patrick Kennedy, son of Dead Ted, voted against the Stupak amendment to the Health Care Reform Act, which barred the use of federal funds from paying for most abortions in the House’s health care reform legislation. And Bishop Tobin took him to task privately and publicly for his stand. Good on you, Bishop Tobin.

As Socon or Bust quoted here, the Bishop has this to say, and three cheers for him for saying it:

Following the vote, Bishop Tobin issued a public letter to Representative Kennedy in which he ripped the congressman’s statement that “the fact that I disagree with the hierarchy on some issues does not make me any less of a Catholic.”

“That sentence certainly caught my attention and deserves a public response, lest it go unchallenged and lead others to believe it’s true,” wrote Bishop Tobin in the letter, which will appear in the November 12 edition of his diocesan newspaper. “And it raises an important question: What does it mean to be a Catholic?”

The bishop continued:

[W]hen someone rejects the teachings of the Church, especially on a grave matter, a life-and-death issue like abortion, it certainly does diminish their ecclesial communion, their unity with the Church. This principle is based on the Sacred Scripture and Tradition of the Church and is made more explicit in recent documents …

But let’s get down to a more practical question; let’s approach it this way: What does it mean, really, to be a Catholic? After all, being a Catholic has to mean something, right?

Well, in simple terms – and here I refer only to those more visible, structural elements of Church membership – being a Catholic means that you’re part of a faith community that possesses a clearly defined authority and doctrine, obligations and expectations. It means that you believe and accept the teachings of the Church, especially on essential matters of faith and morals; that you belong to a local Catholic community, a parish; that you attend Mass on Sundays and receive the sacraments regularly; that you support the Church, personally, publicly, spiritually and financially.

Congressman, I’m not sure whether or not you fulfill the basic requirements of being a Catholic, so let me ask: Do you accept the teachings of the Church on essential matters of faith and morals, including our stance on abortion? Do you belong to a local Catholic community, a parish? Do you attend Mass on Sundays and receive the sacraments regularly? Do you support the Church, personally, publicly, spiritually and financially?

In your letter you say that you “embrace your faith.” Terrific. But if you don’t fulfill the basic requirements of membership, what is it exactly that makes you a Catholic? Your baptism as an infant? Your family ties? Your cultural heritage?

The prelate concluded:

[I]n confronting your rejection of the Church’s teaching, we’re not dealing just with “an imperfect humanity” – as we do when we wrestle with sins such as anger, pride, greed, impurity or dishonesty. We all struggle with those things, and often fail.

Your rejection of the Church’s teaching on abortion falls into a different category – it’s a deliberate and obstinate act of the will; a conscious decision that you’ve re-affirmed on many occasions. Sorry, you can’t chalk it up to an “imperfect humanity.” Your position is unacceptable to the Church and scandalous to many of our members. It absolutely diminishes your communion with the Church.

Congressman Kennedy, I write these words not to embarrass you or to judge the state of your conscience or soul. That’s ultimately between you and God. But your description of your relationship with the Church is now a matter of public record, and it needs to be challenged. I invite you, as your bishop and brother in Christ, to enter into a sincere process of discernment, conversion and repentance. It’s not too late for you to repair your relationship with the Church, redeem your public image, and emerge as an authentic “profile in courage,” especially by defending the sanctity of human life for all people, including unborn children. And if I can ever be of assistance as you travel the road of faith, I would be honored and happy to do so.

John Pacheco notes of course the approach taken to the profligacy of the Representatives father, including the wonderful state funeral, and all the pomp and ceremony, that scandalised the Church and what that says about the kind of Catholics we have:

So we have two kinds of Catholics: Militants and Marshmallows. Militants actually believe in the Catholic faith and believe there should be consequences to not publicly adhering to it, especially when the departures from it are so grossly scandalous as in the case of abortion or gay “marriage”. The Marshmallows believe everything the Church teaches too, but for them, they would prefer not to disturb the Catholic political class because that would mean the good reputations they have made in the world would suffer.

Lest, we not take John's words to heart, he leaves us with the words of another who did not speak with forked tongue either, Our Saviour:

And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. ”For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? “For what will a man give in exchange for his soul? “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” (Mark 8:34-38)

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Can I get an Amen?

1 comment:

  1. Michael:

    That gets "AMEN AND HALLELUJAH!" from me and my crew!

    Bishop Tobin is absolutely right in his response. You cannot consider yourself Catholic when your actions are in direct contravention to Catholic theology. It's about time the political Kennedys were called out for this. They are not even Christian in their pro-abortion views and support.

    Human life is - according to God Himself - sacred. There is no argument.

    So, you can't be "on the team" and simultaneously "not on the time for this period/inning."

    I used to tell it this way to my kids when they were much younger: "As Jesus Himself might have put it in a different time, there are certain things that God will not negotiate, so don't try to pull no boogie-woogie on the King of Rock'n'Roll. Just listen to the music, let the Spirit move you and...DANCE!"

    All three of my sons can waltz, foxtrot, merengue, tango, rumba...
