Friday, June 19, 2009

Not an Obama Fan But This Was Cool

Cool is Cool Regardless of Your Political Stripe

I am not a fan of the US Democratic Party, particularly for their stand on abortion and other things, and consequently I have not been a fan of their choice for President, Barack Obama. It is nothing against the man as a person, but about his political positions.

But he did something last week that was so cool for one little girl that I applaud just because it shows his humanity, and touched her in a way that nothing else he says or does will during his presidency.

Here is the MSNBC report of it. But the jist of it is this. 10 year old Kennedy Corpus went with her Dad on the last day of school to hear the President speak on Health Care in Green Bay WI. Her father rose to ask a question, and prefaced it by saying his daughter had missed school to attend the town hall meeting with him, and he hoped she would not be in trouble for so doing.

The President then did the coolest thing. He asked: "Do you need me to write a note?" He then wrote on a piece of paper: "To Kennedy's teacher: Please excuse Kennedy's absence. She's with me. Barack Obama."

He then left the stage to hand deliver the note to her. How cool is that!! There is a good possibility that that will be a watershed moment in that little girl's life, one which will open her mind to all the possibilities that are there for her, and that is even cooler still.

For Kennedy Corpus, no matter how any one of us or how historians looks on Barack Obama's Presidency in the future, good or bad, she will remember this particular special moment, and it will shape her future, and it is very good.

Good on You, President Obama.

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