Sunday, September 19, 2010

On The Road Again

Going Up the Country (with some Canned Heat)- Maybe

Well, there will be little to no blogging for a week or so, as My Dear Wife and I go up the country, a la Canned Heat.

Except we're not going up the country really.  We're going to the land of the free and home of the brave, ie.we are leaving the land of the more politically correct and squeamish, crossing the St. Clair River at Sarnia/Port Huron, and heading west and south through Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, and then our winter home state of Arizona.

Surprisingly, our trip coincides with a business trip that My Dear Wife's son is making to Topeka KS, and we hope to meet up with him there on Tuesday.

We will be seeing some of the sights of the Southwestern US as our trips to Arizona have previously been focused on getting there, and not on what we could see along the way. Snow and icy roads in early January and March can do that for you.

We will return to Canada in a few weeks, and stay here until the end of the year, when we plan to go back to Arizona for the months of January to April.  This is longer than usual, but is slightly precipitated by weather reports that call for a long cold winter in the north.  We don't do long and cold any more, if we can avoid it, and so we can and we will.

Anyway, here is Canned Heat from Woodstock, and Going up the Country.

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