Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Parable of the Prisoner

There once was a little boy, born in a far off land.  While he was still very young, his mother left him and moved to a distant country, and he was placed into the prison of abandonment.  And the Father wept for His little beloved.

The little boy was taken in by family, but was put to work at a very early age, and so received no formal education.  He was placed in a prison of ignorance.  And the Father wept for His little beloved.

After many years, his mother returned with her husband from a distant country and took the little boy away with her to the distant country where he did not know the language, the customs or any of its people.  He was placed in a prison of fear and confusion. And the Father wept for His little beloved.

His step father was an evil man and sexually abused him.  Though he tried to run away he was brought back to the home of his step father, where he was continually abused.  He was placed in a prison of revulsion and anger.

Finally, he escaped and lived on the streets until one night he was involved in the death of another man.  He was convicted of murder and sentenced to prison.  He was first in a prison of remorse, sadness, and hatred, and then was placed in a prison of the body. And the Father wept for His little beloved.

He was moved from prison to prison from cell to cell. So, added to the prisons of his life thus far, his circumstances had placed him into a prison of loneliness. And the Father wept for His little beloved.

But, unbeknownst to him, another man had been sentenced, for crimes that never happened, to the prison where he was finally settled.  This man was a Catholic priest, and even though he himself knew the prison of abandonment, he did not allow it to define his life and so he befriended the young man from the far off land, and led him to relationship with Jesus Christ. And the Father leaped for joy to see His little beloved on the path to freedom, the path for which He had sent His Son to bleed and die, and then to rise again.

As time passed, the young man and his priest friend consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  They also discovered two very dear friends among the saints, Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Saint Padre Pio.

Under the protection of Our Holy Mother, the Blood of Jesus Christ and with the intercession of their dear friends the saints, the prison walls of both of their lives have been disintegrating, because they cannot stand against the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.

This parable, like all parables is meant for each of us to ponder for we too have been placed in the prisons of our emotions by our circumstances, whether we were misled by others, or consciously took paths that led to these prisons.  How we came to be in the prisons of our lives is far less important than how we can leave them behind.

You see, some of these prisons, the prisons of our minds are prisons that we have willingly entered in the hope of escaping the other prisons of our lives.  But, exchanging one prison for another or adding another prison to our already tortured lives is not the answer.

Whatever the question, the answer is Jesus Christ.  He was and is the perfect gift from the Father to you and to me, because He took on all our prisons and allowed them to be nailed to the Cross with Him.  He returned them to their rightful place, Hell, and then He rose again from the dead.

Unlike most parables, this one is based on the true story of Pornchai Maximilian Moontri, and his mentor and best friend Father Gordon MacRae.

So, unlike most parables this one is before us every day for us to ponder, pray on, and then to accept the love of Christ, and the love of His Blessed Mother that has been bringing salvation to both Pornchai and to Father Gordon.

Let the Father leap for joy at your acceptance of His Son as your Saviour.  Let the Father leap for joy as you give your heart to Jesus to repair and heal, and to Mary to love you as only a perfect mother can.

And turn to Beyond These Stone Walls and  read as the parable continues to unfold.

Sunday, September 18, 2022


Feast of the Immaculate Conception 

December 8, 2021

My dear children of my Immaculate Heart, I am overjoyed to share with you the Feast of my Immaculate Conception. I was conceived immaculately, with no stain of sin, so that I might be a worthy tabernacle for my son, Our Savior to prepare to enter the world.

As I was made holy by a special grace of the Holy Spirit, grace upon grace is poured out on you by that same Spirit, so that you too may become holy unto the Lord.

As you grow in holiness, I see the change in you. You look more like my Son, Jesus every day, and it brings me great joy.

Come beneath my mantle of protection, where I may love you and protect you from our enemy the devil. 

As you grow in holiness, and surrender your human will to take on the Divine Will, you grow from the little candle of your Baptism to a bright light that pierces the darkness, and draws those lost in the dark night of the evil one to the light of faith in Jesus.

Continue on your path of rejection of evil, of continued repentance, trusting in the love of God for you.

The evil one is roaring more loudly, and devouring those who do not reject him, and his wicked plan to destroy God’s children.

Pray for all who are blinded by satan’s wiles. All are children of God, and He desires that they turn from evil to the light of Faith. 

When you criticize the person of another, you empower the evil one in the life of that person. Remember that it is by Grace that you are not on that same path to eternal damnation.

When you pray for evildoers, you empower angels to speak to their hearts of God’s Love and Mercy for them.

Pray at all times, my children.

Receive your mother’s blessing today, as you celebrate with me this special feast.


Saturday, September 17, 2022


Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart

October 11, 2021

My Children, give thanks today and everyday for your many blessings. Everything is a gift from God, and should be viewed not with your human eyes, but with the eyes of your heart.

I came to earth as a small infant, grew to a man, and was killed, though I chose to die, to set you free from sin and death. The proof of your freedom was My resurrection, and return to heaven, where I am preparing an eternal home for you.

I have set a flame in your heart, and though storms are blowing all around you, My Mother and yours, has placed her mantle of protection on you, to keep the winds of evil from extinguishing this Flame of Love.

You have been set apart for these times. My Holy Spirit has been pouring Grace upon Grace into your hearts to prepare you for these times. 

You, I have called to bring Me to those who have rejected me, as you yourselves once did. You have come to know what I have done for you individually. 

Who better to send out to your brothers and sisters than ones who, like them were lost in sin, but have been redeemed by Grace? 

As the days darken, your trust in My Sacred Heart will shine brightly, and will be a beacon for those who feel lost. Share my love and mercy with them.

When you see yourself with your own eyes, you see this little person, and wonder how you can be used for such a glorious purpose. You know how you have sinned in your life, and how you rejected Me so many times.

But, my precious Child, that is not what I see, nor is it reality. I have washed away all your sins, as you have repented of them. I see them no more. What I see is not your littleness, but the Flame of Love that has been placed in your heart, magnified by the Flames of Love of your angels, and that of your Holy Mother.

So, it is not a match stick flame, but a conflagration of Love that I see, and that shines forth for the world to see.

Give My Love to all you encounter. Love them as I love you. My Holy Spirit will give you  the words to speak, and wil Our Lady of Zaro to Simona on October 8th, 2021:

I saw Mother: she had a white dress and a golden belt around her waist, a blue mantle that also covered her head and the crown of twelve stars. Her feet were bare and placed on the world. Mother had her left hand resting on her chest and her right hand stretched out toward us, holding a long holy rosary, made as if out of drops of ice. Mother had a very sweet smile, but tears were in her eyes. May Jesus Christ be praised…


My dear children, I love you and I thank you that you have come in great numbers to this call of mine. Please, my children, let yourselves be guided; take my hand and let yourselves be led to Christ. My children, pray, pray for my beloved Church, for my chosen and favored sons [priests]; pray, children, for the unity of the Church, pray for the unity of families — evil is seeking in every way to divide and destroy them; pray, children, for the unity of Christians. My children, a Christian who prays with love and faith is like a little flame, and many little flames become an enormous inextinguishable fire, which evil cannot put out. Therefore, my children, I ask you again to pray: open your hearts to the Lord. Daughter, pray with me.


(I prayed with Mother for the Holy Church, for priests and for all those who have entrusted themselves to my prayers, then Mother resumed).  


My children, I love you; open your hearts and let yourselves be flooded with the love of Christ. I love you my children, I love you. Now I give you my holy blessing. Thank you for having hastened to me. l inspire you to act in love the best way for each situation.

The harvest is ready, and though the laborers are few, be amazed at how I use you, and others like you to accomplish My Purposes.

Be thankful that you have been chosen and prepared for this time!


Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Dispel the Darkness

February 27, 2021 5:58 am

My children, a great darkness has fallen over this world. It is the darkness of sin, man’s rejection of Me.  It is the plan of the evil one to wreak havoc in this darkness.

In the current darkness, man stumbles into obstacles that he cannot see, and curses the darkness, thereby bringing greater evil upon himself.  If he could only see, he could maneuver around these obstacles and go on his way.

It has been prophesied in my Holy Word, that in these end days, I would pour My Spirit on all mankind, and this I am doing.

The Holy Spirit is on all the earth offering spiritual gifts, virtues, and supernatural gifts to My children all over the world.

Those who accept My Gifts are given spiritual sight to see the obstacles that the evil one places in their paths, and they are able to overcome or circumvent them.  My gifts allow them also to guide others to avoid them as well.

But, most of My Gifts are being rejected or ignored.  I have not sent them to be dormant or misused, but to be used for My Greater Glory, and to draw my wayward children back to their Father.

When My Gifts are rejected, the heart of the person who rejects them is hardened even more than before.  But you, my Precious Disciples, can perform a great service for them in this time.

You may ask to receive these Gifts that are rejected or not taken up, so they will be used now.  Receive them as a custodian for the original intended recipient. By using them, they will remain fresh, and will help draw the original intended and others to me, even though they are not aware.

Do this especially for your loved ones and family members who are far from Me at this time.  Ask continually that their hearts be open to My Gifts.  Then, offer to be the custodian of them until such time as they are ready to accept them.  

You will be imbued with these gifts as well as your own.  These gifts will strengthen your existing gifts and will enable you to grow in holiness.  They will empower you to do more than you can imagine to heal and strengthen the Body of Christ in these perilous times.

The store of my gifts is boundless, and when those for whom these gifts were originally intended are ready to receive them, it will be for them, as though they never rejected them in the first place.

When the time comes for them to go to their original intended, you will lose nothing for your own gifts will have grown immensely, and because of your faithfulness I will have poured out new gifts on you, as you request and are prepared to receive them.

You can never fathom the depths of My Love for My Beloved. You have only to receive it, and use it for My Glory.

I call you all to be Saints!


Before this message came, I had been praying about a particular man, who has previously been far from God, and about his daughter who has prayed fervently for his Redemption.  I saw that he had been using spiritual gifts lately that he was unfamiliar with in his mind and body, and so there seemed to be some kind of disconnect.

This prophecy showed me that there was no disconnect, only a God Connection that is far greater and deeper than we can grasp.  The daughter had been a custodian of his gifts on his behalf, and had exercised the gifts, as though going to the gym each day.  When the father received the gifts, they were already well formed, as though he himself had grown in them.  She, in effect, did much of the heavy lifting, and he is deriving a great benefit from her work (prayer).  Though it is beyond our wildest dreams, it is like hiring somebody to go to the gym for you each day, and you deriving the benefit, except that you didn’t even know the gym existed.

Saturday, September 3, 2022


 Fear Not

January 12, 2022

Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, the Angel Gabriel said to me: “Fear not, Mary, for you have found favor with God,” so I tell you that you also have found favor with God, and must not be afraid.

I have called you all to be vigilant in these days. You must be fully awake to what is going on around you, and alert.

I call you to look with eyes of faith, not at your world leaders, many of whom have fallen for the deceptions of the evil one, but gaze with love upon your Eucharistic Lord. 

He is your source of strength in these difficult times. Receive Him as often as you are able.

The evil one has been plotting for thousands of years the destruction of mankind, because of his hatred of God. Alone, you are easily deceived by him.

But, my children, you are never alone. God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to redeem you, and the final stages of the Redemption of mankind are underway.

I have been sent to you as your mother to help prepare you for the return of your Groom, Jesus. Allow me to guide you in preparing for Him.

Be protected beneath my mantle. Remain safe with your brothers and sisters. Love one another and grow in holiness together. 

Each has been given different gifts. Do not be afraid to share your gifts with each other. Share your concerns, and what you have discerned. 

Love one another and listen to each one’s heart. Do not be afraid of being corrected by another, nor of correcting another, always in love.

Show love and kindness to all you encounter, even those you disagree with, for kindness turns away wrath. Your gentleness and love may be the spark needed to help a wayward brother or sister hear the Lord’s call to repentance and a life of eternal happiness.

The evil one seeks to isolate you, to make you more vulnerable. Resist the fear of coming together. You are called to be one with your brothers and sisters.

Beneath my mantle you are protected from ALL evil. Fear Not!