Thursday, August 18, 2022


This is It

September 1, 2021

My precious Children, you are witnesses to the time long foretold. But, I call you to be more than witnesses to this time. I call you to be warriors in the battle for your own souls, the souls of loved ones, and the souls of nations.

I have sent My Holy Spirit among you to be your guide, to instruct you in the paths I desire you to take, and to guide you to captives to be set free (1). You, in My Name, and in the power of My Holy Spirit will lead them to freedom in Me.

Do not be afraid, or let the evil one steal your joy. He will tell you lies that you are inadequate and that what is ahead of you is overwhelming. Do not believe his lies.

Listen to and for My Voice only. To hear Me, you must remain in prayer at all times, and in a state of grace. I have chosen you, and your Holy Mother has been preparing you, and watching over you.

Again, I urge you to avoid distractions. Turn away from all things that take away your peace. This is a major tactic of the devil, the destruction of peace.

Do not place your trust in corporations and governments to provide solutions to the problems of this age, and do not trust the media to be purveyors of truth in these times. 

Rather, I call you to pray for the people in these organizations, because they too are my children, and I desire them to be set free, and enter into eternal life.

Be prepared at all times, and be attentive to my voice. I call you softly to specific prayer for individuals and situations.  I call you to acts of love and charity. (2)

As I call you to action, remain calm. Do not let the evil one try to convince you of your inadequacy.  Trust Me to lead you to where I want you to be. Do what I guide you to do, and speak the words My Holy Spirit gives you to speak.

This war will be won, one soul at a time.  

Be patient. Be calm. Be attentive to My Voice!

  1. Before the message, I saw in a vision, a small group of well equipped soldiers enter a small town, and go door to door, setting people free.  Their doors were barred from the outside, and they were in chains in their homes until rescue came.
  2. Last night, during Communion at Mass, I felt called to pray over a particular young man I know, with serious health issues. By the time Mass ended I had forgotten. As we were getting into our car, his brother had come out of Church hoping to find me before we left.  I told him I wanted to pray over his brother next week, if they were at Mass. Then, he turned to talk to someone, and I felt the need to rush back into Church and pray over his brother. When I returned to the car, my wife asked me where I went. When I told her, she told me that she had prayed for him also at Communion.

The Prayer of Jesus (The Unity Prayer)

May our feet journey together.

May our hands gather in unity.

May our hearts beat in unison.

May our souls be in harmony.

May our thoughts be as one.

May our ears listen to the silence together.

May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.

May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.

St. Theresa of Avila - In this life our lot is not to enjoy God, but to do His Holy Will.

Dr. Lee Merritt - "If you think we are fighting a virus, you are going to act like a victim, if you think we are fighting a war, you are going to act like a warrior."

Revelation 12:17. Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and bear testimony to Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.

John 14:12-17

12 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; 14 if you ask anything in my name, I will do it. 

15 "If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you for ever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you, and will be in you.


Saturday, August 13, 2022


 There was no Plan B

December 4, 2020

My Father in His wisdom and mercy from eternity had a plan to restore humanity, after it fell into sin and error.

His plan involved Me being born on the earth fully human, while still fully God.  His plan called for Me to be born of a very particular virgin, who from eternity was full of grace.  She was conceived immaculate, and remained full of grace during her lifetime and remains so in heaven.

Mary was My mother, and now she is My mother and yours.  Mary loved and loves Me as no mother ever loved a son, and I loved and love her as no son ever loved a mother.  When you honour my mother, you honour Me, her son.

As my mother on earth, she nursed me, cared for me, and taught me as the very best of mothers.  From Heaven, she nurses, cares and teaches my mystical body on earth, who are all her children.  

She has appeared on earth many times, and even more as the end of this age approaches.  Her messages of love are meant to draw her children into salvation through Me, and into participation in their salvation, so they may be Me for others who have not yet come to Me.

At the wedding at Cana, she approached Me as her son, and Lord, telling Me that they had no wine.  Though it was not time yet for Me to act, I could not refuse the heart of My own mother.  Still, My mother melts My heart, and I cannot refuse whatever she requests.  As at Cana, her requests are always humble and trusting that I will respond as both her son, and God. She never presumes.

I call you to imitate her holiness, and to trust her to come to Me alongside you, when you allow her to be your motherly intercessor. You ask your friends to pray for your needs.  Why not ask your mother, who sits at My right hand, to intercede?

In scripture you read how she took things that happened into her heart.  She remained silent, and allowed her heavenly spouse, My Holy Spirit, to guide and instruct her.  I urge you to imitate this trait of humility in her, take captive the many things that come into your mind in a day, be still, and let My Holy Spirit instruct you as well.

Be holy, for I am holy.  Be a beacon of light in these dark times for the many who are wandering in the dark.

  • Early that morning I was taught about Mary by Jesus, though I do not know if I was awake or asleep.  What is written above is my recollection of what I was taught as best I can recall.  It seemed as though Jesus spoke to me for an hour or two.  If so, what is written above is a very small portion of what was said to me, but all that I recall.
  • Then, on the morning of December 6, the Lord reminded me of what he had shared with me the other morning.  As He told me of the love between Him and His mother, I sensed it from a human perspective as the deepest love between two humans beings.  I sensed the depth of heartfelt emotion of it. But then, I became aware of a love that was so far beyond my understanding.  Two things were important for me to recall.  “Hail Mary, FULL OF GRACE.”  Mary was and is filled to overflowing with God’s grace.  That grace makes her able to love like God loves.  We are called to holiness and Mary is the exemplar of human holiness. “God is LOVE.”  Holiness is the perfect response to God’s Love, and creates a mystical union between Creator and the created one.  In this mystical union, the created one takes on the Will of God, and surrenders the human will.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Heed My Call

 Heed My Call

Originally posted November 28, 2020. As requested some time ago by our Parochial Vicar, I am reviewing the messages received since November, 2020, noting the meanings of words not in my normal vocabulary, adding scriptural references, where appropriate, and notating events that  have subsequently occurred that I believe validate some aspects of the message.

My children, you must heed my call and amend your lives.  In these troubled times, which fit into my plans for you and this world, I have called you to be set aside, and to conform to My Will for you.

Though My Word often provides you comfort, and solace; at its deepest, it is to bring you to a deeper conversion.  My word is like the sharpest of blades.  It is there to cut into and excise the deepest sins hidden in your heart, that keep you from total commitment to me.  

My word is strengthened by the intercessions of your holy Mother Mary, her earthly husband St. Joseph, the communion of Saints, triumphant and suffering, and your guardian Angel.  They all intercede at all times for you to surrender totally to my plans for you.

This world has lost the knowledge of the evil of sin, how it debilitates souls and influences others.  It is pernicious (harmful) not only to the sinner, but to those who witness it.  Sin is never private.  When you sin, it changes you from the inside, making you susceptible to other sins, and changes your attitude to yourself and others.

Remember how I told you not to lead little children into sin.  Yet, here we are.  Little children, and you are all my little children, are committing atrocious (horrifyingly wicked) sins against Me, with impunity (exemption from loss or penalty - in this case sinners perceive there is no penalty they will face for their sin), as they are led astray.  It is for this reason that I am allowing the fruit of the sins of the world to come forth now, at this time.  

I have lifted the restrainer from the earth, having removed much of my angelic protection, that has prevented so many disasters in the past.  As chaos runs rampant on the earth, things will get much worse.  Blame will be assigned by the powers of this world, particularly to my chosen ones, and vengeance will be sought for the ills of the world. (Example - largely unsubstantiated report of “Mass” graves at residential schools out west, in the press in May, 2021, with subsequent burning of Catholic Churches and acceptance of guilt by and against Catholics)

But, I call you to be like your mother Mary.  At the wedding at Cana, she presented simply a petition.  She did not presume to know the mind of God, but trusted in me to do what was best in the circumstance.  So, I produced the finest wine, from water.

I call you to trust me likewise.  Be humble like your heavenly Mother.  And like her, conform your Will to mine, by prayer and sacrifice.  

When you are presented with a difficulty of some kind, you jump into action, and when you have mucked things up sufficiently, you remember to call on me.  You lean on your own understandings, when I, your Saviour, am always ready to assist you.  Can you possibly in your imagination, come anywhere close to imagining what I am capable of? 1.

As this world darkens, your only recompense (compensation for the losses incurred) is in My Divine Will.  Lean on me!  Trust in me totally! Surrender to My Divine Will in all things.  Follow the example of your holy Mother, and be humble in all things and at all times. (Jesus repeated the call to humility this second time for emphasis.)

  1. Proverbs 3:5-6 RSV-CE

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.

6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.